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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Italeri Šifra proizvoda: ita6364 Težina 0.28 kg Ean: 8001283063647 Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 10.3.2011 Tagovi M8-Light-Armored-Car The M8 Greyhound (greyhound) was an American armored car from the Second World War. The first prototypes were built in 1941, and serial production was carried out in the period 1943-1945. In total, around 12,300 copies of this vehicle were made with the M20 version. The M8 Greyhound was powered by a single carburetor engine Hercules JXD with 110 HP . It was armed with a single 37mm M6 gun in the turret, 1 Browning 1919A4 7.62mm machine gun and 1 Browning M2HB 12.7mm machine gun. The M8 Greyhound was created in response to the demand from the US Tank Destroyer Command for a new wheeled reconnaissance vehicle. The contract for its production was awarded to a consortium of Ford and General Motors. The new armored car was based on a six-wheeled chassis, which provided it with good off-road mobility. It was also very quiet while driving and showed a high top speed - almost 90 km / h. The disadvantages include relatively thin armor and relatively weak armament - especially in the period 1944-1945. Based on the M8 Greyhound, in 1943, the M20 was created, which differed in the photo of the turret and the armament consisting only of a single 12.7 mm Browning M2HB machine gun. The armored car armored car fought in Europe: in Italy in the period 1943-1945 and took part in the battles in Normandy, France and West Germany (1944-1945). He also fought in the Far East against Japanese troops. After the end of World War II, it found its way to many foreign operators, including Austria, Belgium, France, Greece and South Korea. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Lepo očuvano Crteži Ivan Šubić Nacrt za korice: Dida de Majo Retko Slobodan Berberski (Bečkerek, 20. oktobar 1919 — 6. april 1989) romski je pisac[1] i prvi predsednik Svetske organizacije Roma. Slobodan Berberski Datum rođenja 20. oktobar 1919. Mesto rođenja Bečkerek Kraljevstvo SHS Datum smrti 1989. Mesto smrti Beograd SFR Jugoslavija Rođen je 20. oktobra 1919. godine u Zrenjaninu,[2] gde je završio osnovnu školu i gimnaziju. Počeo je da studira prava, ali je kao član Saveza komunističke omladine Jugoslavije uhapšen 1941. godine. Pridružio se 1941. godine Narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi naroda Jugoslavije.[2][3] Berberski je poznat i kao jedan od inicijatora akcije jugoslovenskih Roma pod nazivom „Rom traži mesto pod suncem” koja je započeta 1967. godine. Izabran je za prvog predsednika Svetske organizacije Roma na skupu održanom 1971. godine u Londonu. Njegovi radovi su prevedeni na franscuski, ruski, bugarski, romski, albanski i slovenački jezik.[4] Umro je 1989. godine u Beogradu. Objavljene knjige uredi Za kišom biće duga (1950) Proleće i oči (1952) Uze (1955) Nevreme (1959) Dnevnik rata (1959) Blag dan (1964) Kote (1968) Odlazak brata Jakala (1976) Kao beskožni jeleni(1977) Još san sebe da dovrši (1979) Međe (1982) Svakodnevnica (1983) Vode nečekane (1984) Dub(1986)[5] Dida De Majo (Beograd, 29. mart 1906 – Beograd, 24. jul 1964) bio je grafičar, ilustrator i scenograf. Avangarda avangardna poezija Dida De Majo Biografija uredi Dida De Majo rođen je 29. marta 1906. godine, u Beogradu, u porodici sefardskih Jevreja, na dunavskoj Jaliji. Otac mu se zvao Solomon i bio je trgovac, a majka Jelena-Lenka, rođena Alkalaj, bila je učiteljica. Prvi svetski rat proveo je sa sestrom, Vojkom, u Beču, da bi se u Beograd vratio 1917. godine. Pohađao je beogradsku Realku. Zbog učestvovanja u demonstracijama studenata 1923/24. bio je isključen iz gimnazije. Vanredno je maturirao 1924. godine. Tokom školovanja sarađivao je kao grafičar u časopisu „Refleks mladih”, a izradio je i naslovnu stranu zbirke pesama Desimira Blagojevića „Šaputanje s mostova”. [1] Za vreme boravka u Beču (1924), učio je crtanje i grafiku kod profesora Požedajeva i učestvovao u izradi dekoracija i kostima za predstavu „San letnje noći”, u pozorištu „Teatar u Jozefštatu” (nem. Theater in der Josefstadt) i za Šuv suri (franc. Chauve-souris) baletsku trupu Nikite Balijeva. Iz Beča otišao je u Pariz, gde je ostao do 1932. godine. Krajem dvadesetih, zajedno sa Monijem de Bulijem, priključio se grupi avangardnih umetnika okupljenih oko časopisa „Lu Grand Žu“ (franc. Le Grand Jeu), koji su uređivali pesnici Rože Žilber Lekont i Rene Domal.[2] Školovao se na nekoliko pariskih akademija: Grand Šomijer (franc. Grande Chaumière), Kanson (franc. Canson), Andre Luta (franc. Andre Lotha). U Parizu je radio dekoracije za kabaree „Džokej” (engl. Jockey) i „Batu ivr” (franc. Bâteau ivre). Bio je kostimograf za Mulen ruž. Sarađivao je na scenografijama za reditelje A. Kavalkantija, Ž. Renoara, M. Reja i L. Bunjuela. Radio je crteže za tekstil za pariske modne kuće, ilustrovao je revije i uređivao enterijere pariskih stanova. Bio je jedan od osnivača nadrealističkog časopisa „Diskontinuite” (franc. Discontinuité). Grafički je osmislio diplomu Jevrejskog ženskog društva u Beogradu. Po povratku u Beograd, uspostavlja prijateljstvo sa članovima beogradskog nadrealističkog kruga i angažuje se na ilegalnom radu u Komunističkoj partiji Jugoslavije - radio je na tehničkom opremanju publikacija i letaka i izradi lažne dokumentacije. Zbog te delatnosti, uhapšen je 1935. godine. Bio je nekoliko meseci u Glavnjači, gde je nakon desetodnevnog mučenja, pokušao samoubistvo. Potom je osuđen na dve godine u zatvoru u Sremskoj Mitrovici. Pušten je 1937. godine, ali je nastavio aktivnost u okviru Komunističke partije Jugoslavije, gde je izradio stotinu i pedeset falsifikovanih putnih isprava za jugoslovenske dobrovoljce na putu za Španiju. Posle pokušaja policije da ga uhapsi, emigrirao je u Francusku, 1938. godine. U Francuskoj je delovao u okviru tehničkog aparata KPJ, na izradi falsifikovanih pasoša. Posle okupacije Pariza odlazi u južni, neokupirani, deo Francuske, gde će u Brivu, u regionu Koreze, provesti najveći deo rata, bez vesti o brojnoj familiji u Beogradu, koja nije preživela Holokaust. U Drugom svetskom ratu borio se kao pripadnik Francuskog pokreta otpora. Jedna od najvećih Demajovih zasluga tokom rata jeste učešće u oslobađanju književnika Andre Malroa, iz gestapovskog zatvora, u Tuluzu. Za Jugoslovensko vojno predstavništvo u Francuskoj, počeo je da radi 1944. godine. U maju 1945. godine, vratio se u Beograd. Odmah po dolasku, uhapšen je i sproveden u Glavnjaču, gde je proveo tri meseca. Posle puštanja iz zatvora, radio je kao tehnički urednik u časopisu „Ošišani jež”. Bio je v.d. direktor Novinsko-izdavačkog preduzeća Saveza udruženja novinara Federativne Narodne Republike Jugoslavije, potpredsednik Zemaljskog veća Saveza sindikata NR Srbije, savetnik u Grafičkoj direkciji SR Srbije i u Komitetu za auto saobraćaj pri Vladi FNRJ. Početkom 1946. godine oženiće se sa Beograđankom Mirom Šoten. U septembru 1948. godine, zbog optužbe da je pristalica „Rezolucije Informbiroa”, uhapšen je i odveden, ponovo, u Glavnjaču, da bi novembra 1949. godine bio poslat na Goli otok, gde je mučen i ponižavan. Prvo je bio u logoru Stara žica, a zatim u specijalnom logoru Petrova rupa. Oslobođen je aprila 1953. godine. Do smrti (1964), radio je kao tehnički urednik časopisa „Žurnal” (engl. Journal) i tehnički urednik u štampariji Beogradskog grafičkog zavoda. Dela uredi Njegova dela izlagana su na kolektivnim izložbama u Brivu 1943. godine, Udruženju primenjenih umetnika Srbije 1955. godine, kao i u okviru izložbe Sefardski slikari u Beogradu 2007. godine. Veliki broj njegovih dela izgubljen je ili uništen. Radovi: Diploma jevrejskog ženskog društva, 1925[2] Tragična istorija jednog nevaljalog dečaka, strip 1925; Crteži (1935, 1936, 1940, 1941); Autoportreti i portreti; Banditski prorok, strip, 1950; Mrtva priroda; Igra, grupa crteža, 1960; Ilustracije i drugi radovi, 1960.

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Tamiya Šifra proizvoda: tam35370 Težina 0.34 kg Ean: 4950344353705 Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 18.10.2020 Tagovi Marder-I Marder I (Sd.Kfz 135) was a German tank destroyer from the Second World War. The first prototypes of the vehicle were created in 1942, and serial production continued in the period 1942-1944, ending with the production of about 170 cars. The Marder I was powered by a single 70hp Dela-Haye 103TT engine. He was armed with 1 cannon 76.2mm PaK 36 (r) or one 75mm PaK 40 gun (Sd. Kfz. 138) and 1 MG34 machine gun cal. 7.92 mm. Marder I was created in connection with the disastrous Wehrmacht experience in Operation Barbarossa (1941) with the destruction of Soviet T-34 and KW-1 tanks. In the course of this campaign, it became necessary to deliver an effective tank destroyer to the front units. In order to minimize the time of testing and implementation into production, the chassis of a captured French artillery tractor was used during the creation of the Marder I. Tracteur Blinde Lorraine 37L, on a smaller scale the chassis of Hotchkiss H-39 or FCM-36 tanks were used. As a result, a vehicle with a low curb weight (about 8-8.5 tons), good mobility and good armament, but very poor armor of only 12 mm was created! The combat debut of Marder I took place in the late summer of 1942 on the Eastern Front. In the period 1942-1943 this type of weapon was in service on the Eastern Front, but later - due to shortages in spare parts and the development of Soviet armored weapons - it was sent to France, where it served until 1944-1945. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Alpine Miniatures Šifra proizvoda: ALP-35201 Težina 0.02 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 6.4.2018 Tagovi Battle-of-Kharkov-1943 Joachim-Peiper Battle for Kharkiv was played from February 21 to March 18, 1943. It is assumed that about 70,000 soldiers took part in the battle on the German side, while on the Soviet side - about 340,000. soldiers. On the German side was commanded by Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, while on the Soviet side - Marshal Filip Golikow. The genesis of the Battle of Kharkiv in 1943 dates back to the German defeat at Stalingrad in February 1943 and the Red Army's move to the west offensive in the area of today's south-west Russia, which was aimed at the German Army Group "South". At the beginning of February 1943, Soviet troops liberated, among others, Kharkiv, Kursk and Belgorod. At the same time, however, despite the successes, the Soviet troops were stretched significantly, their logistics was defective and, above all, they suffered relatively high losses in the course of their offensive operations. In this situation, despite the significant numerical superiority of the enemy, the German troops (especially armored forces - including the 2nd SS Panzer Corps) launched the offensive and in the period from February 21 to 28, 1943, they encircled and destroyed the Red Army troops fighting south of Kharkiv. On March 4, the II Corps entered the city, retaking it from the Soviet hands until March 15, and three days later Belgorod was recaptured. The Battle of Kharkiv stabilized the eastern front until the Battle of the Kursk in July 1943. In the course of the fighting, the Soviets lost about 80,000 people, while the German side - about 11,000 people. Joachim Peiper was born in January 1915 and died in July 1976 at the age of 61. He was the German commander of motorized and mechanized units within the SS and Waffen-SS. He was born into a family with a certain military tradition, as his father served as a captain in German East Africa during the First World War. Joachim Peiper joined the SS at the age of 18, and a year later, in 1934, he was promoted to the rank of SS man and SS-Sturmmann. At the beginning of World War II, he was the personal adjutant of Heinrich Himmler. In May 1940, he obtained Himmler's permission to participate in the fighting in France, where he served in the 3rd Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Battalion. In the course of these fights he showed personal courage, for which he was decorated with the Iron Cross. At the end of 1941, she joined the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler unit fighting on the Eastern Front. In the period 1941-1943 Joachim Peiper participated in the battles in the USSR, fighting between Rostov-on-Don, Kharkiv and the Kursk Arch. In the course of the fights, he showed not only personal courage, commanding talents and a considerable tactical sense, but also bestiality towards the civilian population. After the defeat at the Kursk, he was transferred to Italy, where he massacred the civilian population in the town of Boves. At the end of 1943, he returned to the Eastern Front, fighting near Żytomierz. At the beginning of 1944, he was transferred to France, and later - from June this year - he participated in the battles with the Allied forces in Normandy. During the offensive in the Ardennes at the turn of 1944-1945, he participates in the offensive in the Ardennes, commanding his own Kampfgruppe. It is likely that he knew about the crimes of his subordinates committed against the American prisoners of war in Malmedy. After the end of World War II, he was tried for war crimes. Originally sentenced to death, later changed to life imprisonment, he was released from prison in 1956. He worked for the Porsche company for several years, and then moved to France, where in not fully explained circumstances he died in a fire in his own home in 1976. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Trumpeter Šifra proizvoda: tru05311 Težina 1.03 kg Ean: 9580208053110 Skala 1:350 Dodato je u katalog: 21.5.2008 Tagovi French-battleship-Richelieu Richelieu is a French battleship from the Second World War. The keel for this unit was laid in 1935, the launch took place in January 1939, and it was commissioned for service in the French Marine Nationale in June 1940. The full displacement of the ship at the time of launching was approximately 47,600 tons, 248 meters long and 33 meters wide. The maximum speed was up to 30 knots. The on-board armament consisted of: 8 380 mm guns in two turrets, 9 152 mm guns and 12 100 mm guns. Richelieu was the first battleship to belong to the class of the same name. The Richelieu-class battleships were designed and built primarily as a French response to the Italian Littorio / Vittorio Veneto-class ships. It was designed to a lesser extent to counter the Kriegsmarine of the Bismarck class. All main artillery was placed in front of the unit - similar to the battleships HMS Rodney or HMS Nelson. The relatively good armor of the new French battleships was also taken care of. Richelieu did not take an active part in World War II. During the fighting in France in the summer of 1940, he was transported to Dakar, where the finishing works were also completed. He stayed in the port of Dakar until 1943, repelling, among other things, attacks by the British fleet as part of Operation Catapult. In January 1943, it was captured by the Allies and ended up in the British Royal Navy. In the same year it was rebuilt, and in March 1944 it was included in the British Pacific Fleet. In August 1944, he was returned to the French side. In March 1946 he returned to France. He took part in the conflict in Indochina and in the so-called Operation Musketeer related to the Suez crisis in 1956. Two years later (1958) he was placed in the reserve. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač ICM Šifra proizvoda: icm35413 Težina 0.35 kg Ean: 4823044402236 Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 15.1.2013 Tagovi G917T The Ford G917t is a German, mainly military, WWII truck. The first prototype vehicles appeared at the turn of 1938/1939, and serial production started in 1939 and lasted until 1942. About 25,000 copies of this car were built at that time. The car was powered by a single 3.6 liter 8-cylinder engine with a maximum power of 90 HP. The car was 6.6 meters long and 2.25 meters wide. The permissible load capacity was 3 tons. The G917t model was developed on the basis of the Ford V8 civilian truck produced at the Ford plant in Cologne, Germany. Mass production of the G917t also began at the same plant. The car was powered by a very similar engine as the Ford V8, but its displacement and maximum power were increased. Also, the entire structure of the new model was strengthened to meet the requirements of military service. The car had a rear-wheel drive. The Ford G917t truck was used on a large scale by the German army, primarily as a transport vehicle in operations against: Poland (1939), France (1940), in the war on the Eastern Front (from 1941), in the campaign in Africa North (1941-1943) or in the Italian campaign (1943-1945). ИЦМ производи су покривени доживотном гаранцијом и директном услугом произвођача. Чак и ако сами оштетите предмет, можете поднети захтев за добијање новог! Само попуните формулар који је доступан на следећој адреси: хттпс://ицм.цом.уа/цонтацтс/ Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Royal Model di R. Reale Šifra proizvoda: RLM294 Težina 0.01 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 31.5.2021 Tagovi German-World-War-II-Motrcyclist Due to the limitations of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the German army could not develop many means of reconnaissance or communication, and for this reason, among others, in the 1920s, they put emphasis on the development of heavy motorcycles with good or very good road and off-road performance. After the Nazis came to power in 1933, the process did not stop, but it actually accelerated. He led to the introduction in the 1930s and during World War II of such successful designs as the BMW R-12, BMW R75 or Zündapp KS 750. It is worth adding that motorcycles in the German army very often had a sidecar, intended for a soldier with a machine gun. Motorcycles in the German army proved themselves particularly well in the initial period of World War II, especially in the course of fighting in Poland (1939), France (1940), but also in North Africa (1941-1943). They were used primarily for reconnaissance operations, sometimes in the rear of the enemy army, and for liaison tasks. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač IBG Šifra proizvoda: IBG72080 Težina 0.30 kg Ean: 5907747901582 Skala 1:72 Dodato je u katalog: 16.7.2020 Tagovi Scammell-Pioneer The Scammell Pioneer is a British heavy truck of the Second World War. The first copies of this car were made in 1927, and serial production was carried out in 1927-1945. Approximately 3,400 examples of this vehicle were produced in its course. The drive was provided by a single Gardnem Diesel engine with 102 HP. The Scammell Pioneer was originally developed as the primary means of transport and artillery tractor for British troops stationed primarily in colonies. The vehicle was suitable for off-road use, it was characterized by high mobility, durable suspension and considerable towing capacity. Several versions of this car were created in the course of production. One of the more produced was the artillery tractor version (Pioneer R100) and the technical assistance vehicle (Pioneer SV1T and SV2S). There was also a tractor version for damaged tanks with a carrying capacity of 20 tons (Pioneer TRCU20) and 30 tons (Pioneer TRCU30). Scammell Pioneer trucks underwent their baptism of fire in 1940 during the campaign in France. Later, they also served, among others, in North Africa (1940-1943). Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač The Bodi Miniatures Šifra proizvoda: TBM-35056 Težina 0.02 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 13.11.2020 Tagovi German-World-War-II-Motrcyclist Due to the limitations of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the German army could not develop many means of reconnaissance or communication, and for this reason, among others, in the 1920s, they put emphasis on the development of heavy motorcycles with good or very good road and off-road performance. After the Nazis came to power in 1933, the process did not stop, but it actually accelerated. He led to the introduction in the 1930s and during World War II of such successful designs as the BMW R-12, BMW R75 or Zündapp KS 750. It is worth adding that motorcycles in the German army very often had a sidecar, intended for a soldier with a machine gun. Motorcycles in the German army proved themselves particularly well in the initial period of World War II, especially in the course of fighting in Poland (1939), France (1940), but also in North Africa (1941-1943). They were used primarily for reconnaissance operations, sometimes in the rear of the enemy army, and for liaison tasks. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač CMK Šifra proizvoda: CMF48309 Težina 0.02 kg Ean: 8595593123851 Skala 1:48 Dodato je u katalog: 23.8.2016 Tagovi German-World-War-II-Motrcyclist Due to the limitations of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the German army could not develop many means of reconnaissance or communication, and for this reason, among others, in the 1920s, they put emphasis on the development of heavy motorcycles with good or very good road and off-road performance. After the Nazis came to power in 1933, the process did not stop, but it actually accelerated. He led to the introduction in the 1930s and during World War II of such successful designs as the BMW R-12, BMW R75 or Zündapp KS 750. It is worth adding that motorcycles in the German army very often had a sidecar, intended for a soldier with a machine gun. Motorcycles in the German army proved themselves particularly well in the initial period of World War II, especially in the course of fighting in Poland (1939), France (1940), but also in North Africa (1941-1943). They were used primarily for reconnaissance operations, sometimes in the rear of the enemy army, and for liaison tasks. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač D-DAY miniature studio Šifra proizvoda: DDA-35184 Težina 0.02 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 29.6.2021 Tagovi German-World-War-II-Motrcyclist Set contains figure only, without motorcycle and other accesories. Due to the limitations of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the German army could not develop many means of reconnaissance or communication, and for this reason, among others, in the 1920s, they put emphasis on the development of heavy motorcycles with good or very good road and off-road performance. After the Nazis came to power in 1933, the process did not stop, but it actually accelerated. He led to the introduction in the 1930s and during World War II of such successful designs as the BMW R-12, BMW R75 or Zündapp KS 750. It is worth adding that motorcycles in the German army very often had a sidecar, intended for a soldier with a machine gun. Motorcycles in the German army proved themselves particularly well in the initial period of World War II, especially in the course of fighting in Poland (1939), France (1940), but also in North Africa (1941-1943). They were used primarily for reconnaissance operations, sometimes in the rear of the enemy army, and for liaison tasks. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač D-DAY miniature studio Šifra proizvoda: DDA-35080 Težina 0.01 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 15.1.2018 Tagovi German-World-War-II-Motrcyclist Due to the limitations of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the German army could not develop many means of reconnaissance or communication, and for this reason, among others, in the 1920s, they put emphasis on the development of heavy motorcycles with good or very good road and off-road performance. After the Nazis came to power in 1933, the process did not stop, but it actually accelerated. He led to the introduction in the 1930s and during World War II of such successful designs as the BMW R-12, BMW R75 or Zündapp KS 750. It is worth adding that motorcycles in the German army very often had a sidecar, intended for a soldier with a machine gun. Motorcycles in the German army proved themselves particularly well in the initial period of World War II, especially in the course of fighting in Poland (1939), France (1940), but also in North Africa (1941-1943). They were used primarily for reconnaissance operations, sometimes in the rear of the enemy army, and for liaison tasks. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Alpine Miniatures Šifra proizvoda: ALP-35143 Težina 0.02 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 6.4.2018 Tagovi German-World-War-II-Motrcyclist Due to the limitations of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the German army could not develop many means of reconnaissance or communication, and for this reason, among others, in the 1920s, they put emphasis on the development of heavy motorcycles with good or very good road and off-road performance. After the Nazis came to power in 1933, the process did not stop, but it actually accelerated. He led to the introduction in the 1930s and during World War II of such successful designs as the BMW R-12, BMW R75 or Zündapp KS 750. It is worth adding that motorcycles in the German army very often had a sidecar, intended for a soldier with a machine gun. Motorcycles in the German army proved themselves particularly well in the initial period of World War II, especially in the course of fighting in Poland (1939), France (1940), but also in North Africa (1941-1943). They were used primarily for reconnaissance operations, sometimes in the rear of the enemy army, and for liaison tasks. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač The Bodi Miniatures Šifra proizvoda: TBM-35055 Težina 0.02 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 13.11.2020 Tagovi German-World-War-II-Motrcyclist Due to the limitations of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the German army could not develop many means of reconnaissance or communication, and for this reason, among others, in the 1920s, they put emphasis on the development of heavy motorcycles with good or very good road and off-road performance. After the Nazis came to power in 1933, the process did not stop, but it actually accelerated. He led to the introduction in the 1930s and during World War II of such successful designs as the BMW R-12, BMW R75 or Zündapp KS 750. It is worth adding that motorcycles in the German army very often had a sidecar, intended for a soldier with a machine gun. Motorcycles in the German army proved themselves particularly well in the initial period of World War II, especially in the course of fighting in Poland (1939), France (1940), but also in North Africa (1941-1943). They were used primarily for reconnaissance operations, sometimes in the rear of the enemy army, and for liaison tasks. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Mantis Miniatures Šifra proizvoda: MAN-35030 Težina 0.02 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 1.7.2015 Tagovi German-World-War-II-Motrcyclist Due to the limitations of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the German army could not develop many means of reconnaissance or communication, and for this reason, among others, in the 1920s, they put emphasis on the development of heavy motorcycles with good or very good road and off-road performance. After the Nazis came to power in 1933, the process did not stop, but it actually accelerated. He led to the introduction in the 1930s and during World War II of such successful designs as the BMW R-12, BMW R75 or Zündapp KS 750. It is worth adding that motorcycles in the German army very often had a sidecar, intended for a soldier with a machine gun. Motorcycles in the German army proved themselves particularly well in the initial period of World War II, especially in the course of fighting in Poland (1939), France (1940), but also in North Africa (1941-1943). They were used primarily for reconnaissance operations, sometimes in the rear of the enemy army, and for liaison tasks. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Alpine Miniatures Šifra proizvoda: ALP-35142 Težina 0.02 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 6.4.2018 Tagovi German-World-War-II-Motrcyclist Due to the limitations of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the German army could not develop many means of reconnaissance or communication, and for this reason, among others, in the 1920s, they put emphasis on the development of heavy motorcycles with good or very good road and off-road performance. After the Nazis came to power in 1933, the process did not stop, but it actually accelerated. He led to the introduction in the 1930s and during World War II of such successful designs as the BMW R-12, BMW R75 or Zündapp KS 750. It is worth adding that motorcycles in the German army very often had a sidecar, intended for a soldier with a machine gun. Motorcycles in the German army proved themselves particularly well in the initial period of World War II, especially in the course of fighting in Poland (1939), France (1940), but also in North Africa (1941-1943). They were used primarily for reconnaissance operations, sometimes in the rear of the enemy army, and for liaison tasks. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač The Bodi Miniatures Šifra proizvoda: TBM-35084 Težina 0.02 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 13.11.2020 Tagovi German-World-War-II-Motrcyclist Due to the limitations of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the German army could not develop many means of reconnaissance or communication, and for this reason, among others, in the 1920s, they put emphasis on the development of heavy motorcycles with good or very good road and off-road performance. After the Nazis came to power in 1933, the process did not stop, but it actually accelerated. He led to the introduction in the 1930s and during World War II of such successful designs as the BMW R-12, BMW R75 or Zündapp KS 750. It is worth adding that motorcycles in the German army very often had a sidecar, intended for a soldier with a machine gun. Motorcycles in the German army proved themselves particularly well in the initial period of World War II, especially in the course of fighting in Poland (1939), France (1940), but also in North Africa (1941-1943). They were used primarily for reconnaissance operations, sometimes in the rear of the enemy army, and for liaison tasks. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Alpine Miniatures Šifra proizvoda: ALP-35144 Težina 0.02 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 6.4.2018 Tagovi German-World-War-II-Motrcyclist Due to the limitations of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the German army could not develop many means of reconnaissance or communication, and for this reason, among others, in the 1920s, they put emphasis on the development of heavy motorcycles with good or very good road and off-road performance. After the Nazis came to power in 1933, the process did not stop, but it actually accelerated. He led to the introduction in the 1930s and during World War II of such successful designs as the BMW R-12, BMW R75 or Zündapp KS 750. It is worth adding that motorcycles in the German army very often had a sidecar, intended for a soldier with a machine gun. Motorcycles in the German army proved themselves particularly well in the initial period of World War II, especially in the course of fighting in Poland (1939), France (1940), but also in North Africa (1941-1943). They were used primarily for reconnaissance operations, sometimes in the rear of the enemy army, and for liaison tasks. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Tamiya Šifra proizvoda: tam35312 Težina 0.30 kg Ean: 4950344353125 Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 6.4.2011 Tagovi Howitzer-Motor-Carriage-M8 The M8 Scott was an American self-propelled gun from the Second World War. The first prototypes were built at the beginning of 1942, and serial production was carried out in the period 1942-1944. In total, approximately 1,780 examples of this vehicle were built. The M8 was powered by a double engine Cadillac Series 42 with a total power of 220 HP . It was armed with a single 75mm M2 or M3 howitzer and a single 12.7mm Browning M2HB machine gun. The M8 was created as a result of the efforts of the American army command to introduce self-propelled artillery to line units as soon as possible, with the US accession to World War II in December 1941. In order to shorten the time of testing and analysis, it was decided to use the chassis of the M5 Stuart tank in the first versions and to use it for many other components. The result was a light SPG with decent mobility, but relatively weak primary armament. Only two versions of the M8 were produced during series production. The first - designated M8 - was based on the chassis of the M5 tank, and the second - designated M8A1 - was based on the chassis of the M5A1 tank. M8 vehicles served in the Italian campaign (1943-1945), during the fighting in Normandy, France and West Germany (1944-1945), but also in the Pacific. After 1945, vehicles of this type entered the armaments of several countries, primarily France, which used them in the war in Indochina (1945-1954) and in Algeria (1954-1962). Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač D-DAY miniature studio Šifra proizvoda: DDA-35082 Težina 0.01 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 15.1.2018 Tagovi German-Herman-Goring-Division German-World-War-II-Motrcyclist Hermann Göring (German Fallschirm-Panzer-Division 1. Hermann Göring) is the name of the German tactical association that was part of the Luftwaffe during World War II. The roots of the unit date back to the beginning of 1933, when a special police battalion was established, transformed a year later into the Landespolizeigruppe General Göring. In 1935 the unit from the police force became purely military and changed its name to Regiment General Göring. The unit under this name took part in the Anschluss of Austria and the activities of Czechoslovakia. She also fought in 1940 on the Western Front in Belgium, the Netherlands and France. In 1941, the regiment was assigned to the South Army Group and fought on the Eastern Front. In 1942 it was transformed into a brigade, and shortly later - in the same 1942 - into a division (Division Hermann Göring). As a division, the unit was transferred to North Africa, where it took part in the last Afrika Korps battles in Tunisia, being almost completely annihilated. Of the few surviving soldiers, the unit was recreated in Sicily in July 1943 under the name Panzerdivision Hermann Göring. In this form, it takes part in battles in Italy, where it suffers heavy losses in equipment and personnel. In July 1944, the division, already known as the Hermann Göring Panzer and Parachute Division, was transferred to the Eastern Front, taking part to some extent in suppressing the Warsaw Uprising. Until the end of the war, the unit fought on the Eastern Front, fighting in Pomerania, on the Odra and Neisse lines, and in Saxony. The remains of the unit surrendered to the Allied and Soviet troops. It should be added that during the fights on the In the Apennines and in Poland, divisions have committed at least a few proven war crimes. Due to the limitations of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the German army could not develop many means of reconnaissance or communication, and for this reason, among others, in the 1920s, they put emphasis on the development of heavy motorcycles with good or very good road and off-road performance. After the Nazis came to power in 1933, the process did not stop, but it actually accelerated. He led to the introduction in the 1930s and during World War II of such successful designs as the BMW R-12, BMW R75 or Zündapp KS 750. It is worth adding that motorcycles in the German army very often had a sidecar, intended for a soldier with a machine gun. Motorcycles in the German army proved themselves particularly well in the initial period of World War II, especially in the course of fighting in Poland (1939), France (1940), but also in North Africa (1941-1943). They were used primarily for reconnaissance operations, sometimes in the rear of the enemy army, and for liaison tasks. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Academy Šifra proizvoda: aca13234 Težina 0.45 kg Ean: 603550013287 Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 30.10.2004 Tagovi PzKpfw-IV PzKpfw IV (Panzerkampfwagen IV) was a German medium tank from the Second World War. The first prototypes of the vehicle were created in 1936, and serial production continued in the period 1938-1945, ending with the production of about 8,600 vehicles. The D version of the tank was powered by a single Maybach HL 120 TRM engine with a capacity of 300 HP. It was armed with 1 75mm KwK 37 L / 24 gun and 2 7.92mm MG 34 machine guns. The PzKpfw IV was created as a result of a competition announced at the end of 1934 by the German Armaments Department for a medium tank weighing up to 18 tons and armed with a 75 mm gun. The competition was won by the Krupp company, whose vehicle was put into mass production - as it turned out, it was a vehicle that can be safely called the "workhorse" of German armored forces during World War II and one of the most intensively developed and modernized Wehrmacht tanks. Numerous variants of the PzKpfw IV were created in the course of production. Chronologically, the first was the A version, armed with a 75mm short-barreled gun and a 230hp engine. However, versions B and C appeared quickly, in which several significant changes were made: first of all, more powerful engines (265 HP in version B and Maybach HL 120 TRM with 300 HP in C version - which were installed in PzKpfw IV until 1945 year), and the armor of the entire car was improved. The F1 and F2 versions turned out to be a real revolution, in which the frontal armor was increased to 60 mm, and the main armament was changed to the great, long-barreled 75mm KwK 40 L / 43 cannon, which in 1942 and 1943 allowed them to fight any Allied or soviet. The most frequently produced versions of the PzKpfw IV were the G, H and J versions, which were very similar to the F1 and F2 versions. The main armament has not changed significantly (it was still the KwK 40 cannon), as well as the engine and chassis. On the other hand, the armor was slightly strengthened, and from the beginning of 1943 armored screens (Schurzen) were installed on them. Numerous other vehicles were built on the chassis of the PzKpfw IV, such as the StuG IV assault gun, the Nashorn tank destroyer or the Wirbelwind self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. PzKpfw IV tanks were used on almost all fronts of World War II - from the September campaign in 1939, through the campaign in France in 1940, the Barbarossa and Typhoon operations in 1941, the Battle of Kursk in 1943, to the last operations of the German army against The USSR and the Western Allies in 1944-1945. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Special Hobby Šifra proizvoda: SPH48233 Težina 0.26 kg Ean: 8594071089481 Skala 1:48 Dodato je u katalog: 24.8.2023 Tagovi Supermarine-Seafire The only available 1/48 Seafire XV model kit Interesting schemes Contains photo etched parts The Supermarine Seafire was a British WWII and post-WWII on-board fighter in an all-metal low wing structure. The drive provided - in the LF Mk. III - single engine Rolls-Royce Merlin 55M with a power of 1,585 hp. The flight of the prototype took place in January 1942, and shortly after that, serial production started, which resulted in the creation of about 2,650 aircraft of this type. On-board armament - in the Mk. III - consisted of two 20mm Hispano cannons and four 7.7mm machine guns. Plane Supermarine Seafire was a development version of the famous Spitfire fighter, but adapted to operate from aircraft carriers. The changes mainly concerned the reduction of the weight of the aircraft, the use of folding wings and a brake hook, as well as the strengthening of the entire structure. The power unit changed, although they were still Rolls-Royce engines. In the course of serial production, many development versions of this aircraft were created, for example: the Mk. IB (fighter version, one of the first production series, which was a rebuilt Spitfire Mk. V b), Mk. II C (hunting version with reinforced structure and modified on-board armament), Mk. III (version powered by the Merlin 55 engine). In 1946, the Mk. XV with the Griffon VI engine. Supermarine Seafire aircraft received their baptism of fire during Operation Torch in November 1942. They also fought during the landings in Sicily in 1943 and in Normandy in 1944. They also served in the Far East in 1944-1945. They also took a limited part in the initial phase of the Korean War (1950-1953). Airplanes of this type also served in the armed forces of France, Ireland and Canada. instruction.pdf Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Alpine Miniatures Šifra proizvoda: ALP-35077 Težina 0.02 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 6.4.2018 Tagovi German-1st-SS-Division-LAH The first paramilitary unit to have the abbreviation SS (German: Schutz Staffel) in its name was the personal protection of the dictator of the Third Reich called Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, which was officially formed in 1933. From 1934, the SS was an independent formation headed by Heinrich Himmler. With time, further SS units were formed, including the SS-Totenkopfverbände and the SS-Verfügungstruppe. It is worth adding that the latter was trained similarly to regular Wehrmacht infantry units. On a relatively small scale, SS units were used in combat during the fighting in Poland in 1939 and in the French campaign in 1940. The first units intended from the beginning to fight at the front were created in mid-1940, giving them the name of the Waffen SS. Initially, they were recruited on a voluntary basis, also among non-German people, but over time, compulsory recruitment began to apply. Within the Waffen-SS, many divisions of different combat value were formed. Nevertheless, a few of them (e.g. the 1st SS LAH Panzer Division, the 2nd SS Das Reich Panzer Division or the 12th SS Hitlerjugend Panzer Division) can be considered elite units, with very high combat value and often equipped with the best available equipment. They demonstrated their considerable advantages not only on the Eastern Front (1941-1945), especially during the battles near Kharkiv in 1943, but also during the battles in France in 1944. Another thing is that the quality of the commanding staff of these units was in many cases debatable, and many Waffen-SS soldiers committed war crimes during World War II. Initially, the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler unit was a unit of about 120 people of the German dictator's bodyguard, which was formed in March 1933 and was commanded by Joseph "Sepp" Dietrich. The unit quickly grew to a unit of about 800 people, and the admission criteria were very strict. Not only were the physical abilities of the candidates guided, but absurd criteria such as "racial purity" were applied at the time, and the genealogy of candidates was checked not infrequently up to several generations back! At the outbreak of World War II, the unit was already a motorized regiment and fought in the September campaign (1939), and later also in Belgium and France in 1940. In 1940, the unit was expanded to the size of a brigade, and in 1941 it was sent to the campaign in the Balkans, where it fought in Greece, among others. From June 1941, the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler unit took part in Operation Barbarossa. In the summer of 1942, she was transferred to France and renamed the Panzer Grenadier Division. From the beginning of 1943, the division fought on the Eastern Front, in the territory of Ukraine, and in the summer of the same year it took part in the battles on the Kursk Arch. For a short time (in 1943) it was transferred to Italy, and at the end of 1943 it returned to the Eastern Front again, as an armored division. At the beginning of the following year (1944), the division was sent to Belgium, where its manpower and machinery were rebuilt. From June 1944, it fought with the Western Allies in Normandy, suffering heavy losses in the course of these fights. As a result, it was withdrawn to Germany and rebuilt again - in December 1944 the unit took part in the offensive in the Ardennes, but in January 1945 it was transferred to Hungary. However, it was decimated there, and in April of the same year its survivors forced their way west to surrender to the Allied forces. The Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler unit was considered the most elite among the Waffen SS divisions and often proved its high combat value. However, it should be remembered that its soldiers committed many war crimes during World War II, including murdering prisoners (to mention the crime in Taganrog or Malmeda) or civilians. Many soldiers and officers of this unit were put on trial (after 1945) - often sentenced to death. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Alpine Miniatures Šifra proizvoda: ALP-35065 Težina 0.02 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 6.4.2018 Tagovi Battle-of-Kharkov-1943 German-1st-SS-Division-LAH German-World-War-II-Panzergrenadier Panzergrenadier is a German term for a formation of panzer grenadiers, i.e. infantry units trained to fight in close cooperation with their own tanks. This term was officially used in 1942, when infantry divisions were renamed grenadier divisions and motorized infantry divisions into panzer grenadier divisions. It is worth adding that in the years 1937-1942, the Schützen Regiment was used to describe the infantry regiments serving in armored units. Theoretically, the basic equipment of armored grenadier divisions was to be armored half-tracked transporters, especially Sd.Kfz.251, but due to insufficient production, these infantry were often transported by trucks. As a standard, an armored grenadier division consisted of three infantry regiments, two battalions in each regiment and numerous support units, including anti-tank, anti-aircraft, sapper and communication units. Self-propelled guns, such as the StuG III, were often used in these formations. It is worth adding that the armored grenadier divisions were formed not only in the Wehrmacht, but also in the Waffen SS - for example the Totenkopf Division or the Hohenstaufen Division. Battle for Kharkiv was played from February 21 to March 18, 1943. It is assumed that about 70,000 soldiers took part in the battle on the German side, while on the Soviet side - about 340,000. soldiers. On the German side was commanded by Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, while on the Soviet side - Marshal Filip Golikow. The genesis of the Battle of Kharkiv in 1943 dates back to the German defeat at Stalingrad in February 1943 and the Red Army's move to the west offensive in the area of today's south-west Russia, which was aimed at the German Army Group "South". At the beginning of February 1943, Soviet troops liberated, among others, Kharkiv, Kursk and Belgorod. At the same time, however, despite the successes, the Soviet troops were stretched significantly, their logistics was defective and, above all, they suffered relatively high losses in the course of their offensive operations. In this situation, despite the significant numerical superiority of the enemy, the German troops (especially armored forces - including the 2nd SS Panzer Corps) launched the offensive and in the period from February 21 to 28, 1943, they encircled and destroyed the Red Army troops fighting south of Kharkiv. On March 4, the II Corps entered the city, retaking it from the Soviet hands until March 15, and three days later Belgorod was recaptured. The Battle of Kharkiv stabilized the eastern front until the Battle of the Kursk in July 1943. In the course of the fighting, the Soviets lost about 80,000 people, while the German side - about 11,000 people. Initially, the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler unit was a unit of about 120 people of the German dictator's bodyguard, which was formed in March 1933 and was commanded by Joseph "Sepp" Dietrich. The unit quickly grew to a unit of about 800 people, and the admission criteria were very strict. Not only were the physical abilities of the candidates guided, but absurd criteria such as "racial purity" were applied at the time, and the genealogy of candidates was checked not infrequently up to several generations back! At the outbreak of World War II, the unit was already a motorized regiment and fought in the September campaign (1939), and later also in Belgium and France in 1940. In 1940, the unit was expanded to the size of a brigade, and in 1941 it was sent to the campaign in the Balkans, where it fought in Greece, among others. From June 1941, the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler unit took part in Operation Barbarossa. In the summer of 1942, she was transferred to France and renamed the Panzer Grenadier Division. From the beginning of 1943, the division fought on the Eastern Front, in the territory of Ukraine, and in the summer of the same year it took part in the battles on the Kursk Arch. For a short time (in 1943) it was transferred to Italy, and at the end of 1943 it returned to the Eastern Front again, as an armored division. At the beginning of the following year (1944), the division was sent to Belgium, where its manpower and machinery were rebuilt. From June 1944, it fought with the Western Allies in Normandy, suffering heavy losses in the course of these fights. As a result, it was withdrawn to Germany and rebuilt again - in December 1944 the unit took part in the offensive in the Ardennes, but in January 1945 it was transferred to Hungary. However, it was decimated there, and in April of the same year its survivors forced their way west to surrender to the Allied forces. The Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler unit was considered the most elite among the Waffen SS divisions and often proved its high combat value. However, it should be remembered that its soldiers committed many war crimes during World War II, including murdering prisoners (to mention the crime in Taganrog or Malmeda) or civilians. Many soldiers and officers of this unit were put on trial (after 1945) - often sentenced to death. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Alpine Miniatures Šifra proizvoda: ALP-35059 Težina 0.02 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 6.4.2018 Tagovi Battle-of-Kharkov-1943 German-1st-SS-Division-LAH German-World-War-II-Panzergrenadier Panzergrenadier is a German term for a formation of panzer grenadiers, i.e. infantry units trained to fight in close cooperation with their own tanks. This term was officially used in 1942, when infantry divisions were renamed grenadier divisions and motorized infantry divisions into panzer grenadier divisions. It is worth adding that in the years 1937-1942, the Schützen Regiment was used to describe the infantry regiments serving in armored units. Theoretically, the basic equipment of armored grenadier divisions was to be armored half-tracked transporters, especially Sd.Kfz.251, but due to insufficient production, these infantry were often transported by trucks. As a standard, an armored grenadier division consisted of three infantry regiments, two battalions in each regiment and numerous support units, including anti-tank, anti-aircraft, sapper and communication units. Self-propelled guns, such as the StuG III, were often used in these formations. It is worth adding that the armored grenadier divisions were formed not only in the Wehrmacht, but also in the Waffen SS - for example the Totenkopf Division or the Hohenstaufen Division. Battle for Kharkiv was played from February 21 to March 18, 1943. It is assumed that about 70,000 soldiers took part in the battle on the German side, while on the Soviet side - about 340,000. soldiers. On the German side was commanded by Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, while on the Soviet side - Marshal Filip Golikow. The genesis of the Battle of Kharkiv in 1943 dates back to the German defeat at Stalingrad in February 1943 and the Red Army's move to the west offensive in the area of today's south-west Russia, which was aimed at the German Army Group "South". At the beginning of February 1943, Soviet troops liberated, among others, Kharkiv, Kursk and Belgorod. At the same time, however, despite the successes, the Soviet troops were stretched significantly, their logistics was defective and, above all, they suffered relatively high losses in the course of their offensive operations. In this situation, despite the significant numerical superiority of the enemy, the German troops (especially armored forces - including the 2nd SS Panzer Corps) launched the offensive and in the period from February 21 to 28, 1943, they encircled and destroyed the Red Army troops fighting south of Kharkiv. On March 4, the II Corps entered the city, retaking it from the Soviet hands until March 15, and three days later Belgorod was recaptured. The Battle of Kharkiv stabilized the eastern front until the Battle of the Kursk in July 1943. In the course of the fighting, the Soviets lost about 80,000 people, while the German side - about 11,000 people. Initially, the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler unit was a unit of about 120 people of the German dictator's bodyguard, which was formed in March 1933 and was commanded by Joseph "Sepp" Dietrich. The unit quickly grew to a unit of about 800 people, and the admission criteria were very strict. Not only were the physical abilities of the candidates guided, but absurd criteria such as "racial purity" were applied at the time, and the genealogy of candidates was checked not infrequently up to several generations back! At the outbreak of World War II, the unit was already a motorized regiment and fought in the September campaign (1939), and later also in Belgium and France in 1940. In 1940, the unit was expanded to the size of a brigade, and in 1941 it was sent to the campaign in the Balkans, where it fought in Greece, among others. From June 1941, the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler unit took part in Operation Barbarossa. In the summer of 1942, she was transferred to France and renamed the Panzer Grenadier Division. From the beginning of 1943, the division fought on the Eastern Front, in the territory of Ukraine, and in the summer of the same year it took part in the battles on the Kursk Arch. For a short time (in 1943) it was transferred to Italy, and at the end of 1943 it returned to the Eastern Front again, as an armored division. At the beginning of the following year (1944), the division was sent to Belgium, where its manpower and machinery were rebuilt. From June 1944, it fought with the Western Allies in Normandy, suffering heavy losses in the course of these fights. As a result, it was withdrawn to Germany and rebuilt again - in December 1944 the unit took part in the offensive in the Ardennes, but in January 1945 it was transferred to Hungary. However, it was decimated there, and in April of the same year its survivors forced their way west to surrender to the Allied forces. The Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler unit was considered the most elite among the Waffen SS divisions and often proved its high combat value. However, it should be remembered that its soldiers committed many war crimes during World War II, including murdering prisoners (to mention the crime in Taganrog or Malmeda) or civilians. Many soldiers and officers of this unit were put on trial (after 1945) - often sentenced to death. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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