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Spoljašnjost kao na fotografijama, unutrašnjost u dobrom i urednom stanju! Konstantin Koča Popović (Beograd, 14. mart 1908 — Beograd, 20. oktobar 1992) bio je učesnik Španskog građanskog rata i Narodnooslobodilačke borbe, srpski i jugoslovenski komunista, filozof, pesnik nadrealista, general-pukovnik JNA, diplomata i društveno-politički radnik SFRJ, junak socijalističkog rada i narodni heroj Jugoslavije. U periodu od 1945. do 1953. obavljao je funkciju Načelnika Generalštaba JNA, od 1953. do 1965. funkciju Saveznog sekretara za inostrane poslove SFRJ, a od 1966. do 1967. funkciju Potpredsednika SFRJ. Biografija Detinjstvo, školovanje i rana mladost Rođen je 14. marta 1908. godine u Beogradu, od oca Aleksandra (1869—1932), bogatog industrijalca, i majke Ruže, rođene Zdravković (1875—1963). Njegov deda po majci je bio general Kraljevine Srbije i akademik Stevan Zdravković.[1] Imao je jednog brata, Nikolu, i pet sestara — Maru, Jelisavetu, Kseniju, Tatjanu i Oliveru.[2] Kao dečak jedno vreme je sa porodicom živeo u Švajcarskoj, od 1912. do 1921. godine, gde je stekao osnovno obrazovanje u školi jednog Dominikanskog samostana, u okolini Lozane. Tu je naučio francuski jezik, da svira klavir, a pevao je i u horu kao solista, i kao osnovac proputovao Švajcarsku pevajući solo arije na misama u crkvama.[3] Po povratku u novostvorenu Kraljevinu Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca, Popović se upisao u beogradsku Treću mušku gimnaziju, u kojoj je maturirao 1926. godine, a kao odličan učenik bio je oslobođen polaganja usmenih ispita. U međuvremenu, sve aktivnije se bavi boksom i plivanjem. Po završetku gimnazije, otišao je na odsluženje vojnog roka. Završio je Školu rezervnih artiljerijskih oficira Vojske Kraljevine Jugoslavije u Sarajevu 1927. godine, a iste godine proizveden je u čin rezervnog artiljerijskog potporučnika.[4][5] Posle završetka služenja vojske, ponovo odlazi u Švajcarsku, pa zatim u Francusku, gde na pariskoj Sorboni studira najpre pravne nauke, a potom i filozofiju i diplomira 1931. godine. Tamo se priključuje nadrealističkim krugovima i postaje blizak prijatelj Andrea Bretona i Žana Koktoa.[6][7] Od tada pa do rata 1941. godine bavio se pisanjem poezije, književnom publicistikom i filmskom kritikom. U vreme studija, intenzivno je posećivao psihijatrijsku bolnicu „Sveta Ana” u Parizu, s obzirom da se dosta interesovao za psihoanalizu i delo Zigmunda Frojda. Tada je napisao i tekst „Zapisi iz ludnice”. Akademsku 1931/1932. godinu, Koča Popović proveo je u Nemačkoj, u Frankfurtu, na produženim studijama psihoanalize i filozofije.[8] Od svoje rane mladosti usvojio je marksistički pogled na svet i pružao podršku radničkom pokretu, iako je poticao iz bogate buržoaske porodice. U vojsci je zbog toga bio proganjan od strane monarhističkog režima. Tokom studija u Parizu, 1929/1930. godine, aktivno se uključio u studentski društveno-politički život i učestvovao u demonstracijama protiv fašističkih organizacija. U Komunističku partiju Jugoslavije (KPJ) primljen je 1933. godine, posle čega je još intenzivnije nastavio svoju revolucionarnu delatnost, zbog čega je stalno bio izložen progonima policije, a više puta je bio i hapšen.[9] Španski građanski rat Glavni članci: Španski građanski rat i Jugoslovenski Španci Od jula 1937. godine borio se u Španskom građanskom ratu, prvo kao borac, zatim kao načelnik Štaba, pa komandant artiljerijskog diviziona, kada je dobio čin poručnika Španske republikanske armije. Oko dve godine učestvovao je u svim borbama artiljerijskih jedinica Internacionalnih brigada, na svim bojištima republikanske Španije, do njene poslednje bitke — bitke za Madrid. Posle sloma Španske republikanske armije, Koča Popović, zajedno sa ostalim borcima Internacionalnih brigada, prelazi u Francusku. Zbog učešća u Španskom građanskom ratu interniran je, pa mart i april 1939. godine provodi u logoru Sen Siprijen (franc. Saint Cyprien). Jedno vreme radio je u Komitetu za španske borce u Parizu. Septembra 1939. preko partijskih veza vraća se iz Francuske u Jugoslaviju, gde je nastavio svoju revolucionarnu aktivnost, izvršavajući zadatke koje mu je postavljala Komunistička partija Jugoslavije. Narodnooslobodilačka borba Glavni članci: Narodnooslobodilačka borba naroda Jugoslavije i Ustanak u Srbiji 1941. Oružanu borbu protiv fašizma započetu u Španiji nastavlja u redovima Vojske Kraljevine Jugoslavije kao komandant trupe pukovske komore. Zarobljen je kod Ivanjice u aprilu 1941. godine, ali je odmah pobegao iz zarobljeništva. Učesnik je Narodnooslobodilačke borbe od jula 1941. godine. Bio je komandant Kosmajskog partizanskog odreda. Nakon toga je komandant Posavskog partizanskog odreda. Pod njegovom komandom ovi odredi su vodili brojne bitke i izvojevali mnoge uspehe u leto i jesen 1941. godine. Sa dužnosti komandanta Posavskog odreda postavljen je za komandanta grupe odreda u Šumadiji i zapadnoj Srbiji. Novembra 1941. komandovao je zaštitnicom koja je obezbeđivala povlačenje Vrhovnog štaba NOPOJ-a i glavnine partizanskih snaga prema Sandžaku, u vreme Prve neprijateljske ofanzive. Prilikom formiranja Prve proleterske udarne brigade, prve regularne jedinice NOV i POJ, u Rudom 21. decembra 1941. godine Koča Popović je postavljen za prvog komandanta. Za vreme čitavog rata brižljivo je vodio svoj dnevnik koji je izašao nakon rata pod imenom „Dnevnik o ratnom putu Prve proleterske brigade“. Pod njegovom komandom brigada je vodila borbe u istočnoj Bosni, izvršila čuveni Igmanski marš da bi izbegla uništenje. Pod njegovom komandom, brigada je izvršila pohod u Bosansku krajinu. Prvog novembra 1942. Koča Popović je postavljen za komandanta Prve proleterske divizije i na toj dužnosti je ostao do 5. oktobra 1943. godine. Divizija se naročito istakla u Četvrtoj neprijateljskoj ofanzivi: borbama koje je vodila na Ivan-planini; protivudarom Glave operativne grupe kod Gornjeg Vakufa i u zaštitnici Grupe i Centralne bolnice zatvarajući pravce: Bugojno–Prozor i Kupres–Šujica–Prozor. U ovoj ofanzivi mu je pala neprijatna uloga da bude jedan od partizanskih pregovarača sa Nemcima u Gornjem Vakufu o prekidu neprijateljstva i razmeni zarobljenika. Ovi Martovski pregovori su ostali zabeleženi i po tome što je jedino Koča pregovarao pod punim imenom i prezimenom, dok su Milovan Đilas i Vladimir Velebit koristili lažna imena. U Petoj neprijateljskoj ofanzivi 9. i 10. juna 1943. godine Prva proleterska divizija probila je obruč 369. nemačke divizije kod Bilanovaca, 12. juna na komunikaciji Foča-Kalinovik i 17. juna Prača-Renovica, čime je otvorila put operativnoj grupi divizija NOVJ na Sutjesci. Ali, ovakav manevar stajao je velikih ljudskih gubitaka. Posle proboja Koča je skoro stigao do vojnog suda, jer je proboj učinio samoinicijativno, izgubivši komunikaciju sa Vrhovnim štabom. Za momenat se to smatralo kukavičlukom, tj. proboj iz obruča je protumačen „kao bežanija“. Kada su 1. maja 1943. godine uvedeni prvi oficirski činovi u NOVJ, Koča Popović, Kosta Nađ i Peko Dapčević su tada postali general-majori, a 1. novembra, general-lajtnanti. Petog oktobra 1943. godine, Koča je postavljen za komandanta Prvog proleterskog korpusa i na toj dužnosti ostao je do kraja jula 1944. godine. Za to vreme Korpus se naročito istakao protiv nemačkog 15. brdskog armijskog korpusa u centralnoj Bosni; u prvoj banjalučkoj operaciji; drvarskoj operaciji i u drugim borbama. Jula 1944. godine postavljen za komandanta Glavnog štaba NOV i PO za Srbiju. To je bilo vreme kada se težište borbenih dejstava NOVJ i svih drugih zaraćenih strana, prenosilo na Srbiju, pred odlučujućim bitkama za njeno oslobođenje. Jedno vreme bio je komandant Južne grupe divizija, a januara 1945. godine postavljen je za komandanta Druge armije. U Štab Druge armije su ušli još i general-major Radovan Vukanović, kao pomoćnik generala Koče Popovića, pukovnik Blažo Lompar, kao politički komesar armije i general-major Ljubo Vučković, kao načelnik Štaba armije. Armija se istakla u završnim operacijama za oslobođenje Jugoslavije, svojim dejstvom u pravcu: Užice–Sarajevo–Banjaluka–Karlovac–Zagreb. Zajedno sa generalom Pekom Dapčevićem rukovodio je operacijom oslobođenja jugoslovenske prestonice Beograda oktobra 1944. godine. Za vreme Narodnooslobodilačkog rata (NOR), bio je član najviših političkih predstavništava Nove Jugoslavije. Bio je član AVNOJ-a od Prvog zasedanja (1942. godine), a Predsedništva AVNOJ-a od Drugog zasedanja, novembra 1943. godine...

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač CMK Šifra proizvoda: CMK8049 Težina 0.08 kg Ean: 8595593121369 Skala 1:48 Dodato je u katalog: 23.8.2016 Tagovi M29-weasel The M29 Weasel was an American universal transport vehicle of the Second World War. The first prototypes of the vehicle were built in 1942, and serial production was carried out in 1943-1945. The M29 Weasel was powered by a single engine Studebaker 6-170 Champion with a power of 70 HP. The vehicle did not have any permanent weapons. The M29 Weasel was developed by Studebaker as commissioned by the US Army, which reported a need for a light transport vehicle capable of handling rough terrain - especially deep snow. Initially, the vehicle had the designation T19, but it was quickly changed to the M29. The development version of the M29 was the M29C model, which had amphibious capabilities by adding floats and a rudder at the rear of the vehicle hull. The M29 Weasel entered service with the US armed forces in 1942, but was not used on a massive scale until the Italian campaign (1943-1945) and the fighting in north-west Europe in 1944-1945. From November 1944, the M29 Weasel also fought in the Pacific as part of the Marine Corps. Vehicles of this type took part in the fights for Iwo-Jima and Okinawa in 1945. Other users of the M29 Weasel vehicles were also France, Canada and Great Britain. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač ACE Šifra proizvoda: ACE72580 Težina 0.10 kg Ean: 4820025725803 Skala 1:72 Dodato je u katalog: 19.7.2021 Tagovi G917T The Ford G917t is a German, mainly military, WWII truck. The first prototype vehicles appeared at the turn of 1938/1939, and serial production started in 1939 and lasted until 1942. About 25,000 copies of this car were built at that time. The car was powered by a single 3.6 liter 8-cylinder engine with a maximum power of 90 HP. The car was 6.6 meters long and 2.25 meters wide. The permissible load capacity was 3 tons. The G917t model was developed on the basis of the Ford V8 civilian truck produced at the Ford plant in Cologne, Germany. Mass production of the G917t also began at the same plant. The car was powered by a very similar engine as the Ford V8, but its displacement and maximum power were increased. Also, the entire structure of the new model was strengthened to meet the requirements of military service. The car had a rear-wheel drive. The Ford G917t truck was used on a large scale by the German army, primarily as a transport vehicle in operations against: Poland (1939), France (1940), in the war on the Eastern Front (from 1941), in the campaign in Africa North (1941-1943) or in the Italian campaign (1943-1945). Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Alpine Miniatures Šifra proizvoda: ALP-35199 Težina 0.02 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 6.4.2018 Tagovi Battle-of-Kharkov-1943 Joachim-Peiper Battle for Kharkiv was played from February 21 to March 18, 1943. It is assumed that about 70,000 soldiers took part in the battle on the German side, while on the Soviet side - about 340,000. soldiers. On the German side was commanded by Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, while on the Soviet side - Marshal Filip Golikow. The genesis of the Battle of Kharkiv in 1943 dates back to the German defeat at Stalingrad in February 1943 and the Red Army's move to the west offensive in the area of today's south-west Russia, which was aimed at the German Army Group "South". At the beginning of February 1943, Soviet troops liberated, among others, Kharkiv, Kursk and Belgorod. At the same time, however, despite the successes, the Soviet troops were stretched significantly, their logistics was defective and, above all, they suffered relatively high losses in the course of their offensive operations. In this situation, despite the significant numerical superiority of the enemy, the German troops (especially armored forces - including the 2nd SS Panzer Corps) launched the offensive and in the period from February 21 to 28, 1943, they encircled and destroyed the Red Army troops fighting south of Kharkiv. On March 4, the II Corps entered the city, retaking it from the Soviet hands until March 15, and three days later Belgorod was recaptured. The Battle of Kharkiv stabilized the eastern front until the Battle of the Kursk in July 1943. In the course of the fighting, the Soviets lost about 80,000 people, while the German side - about 11,000 people. Joachim Peiper was born in January 1915 and died in July 1976 at the age of 61. He was the German commander of motorized and mechanized units within the SS and Waffen-SS. He was born into a family with a certain military tradition, as his father served as a captain in German East Africa during the First World War. Joachim Peiper joined the SS at the age of 18, and a year later, in 1934, he was promoted to the rank of SS man and SS-Sturmmann. At the beginning of World War II, he was the personal adjutant of Heinrich Himmler. In May 1940, he obtained Himmler's permission to participate in the fighting in France, where he served in the 3rd Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Battalion. In the course of these fights he showed personal courage, for which he was decorated with the Iron Cross. At the end of 1941, she joined the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler unit fighting on the Eastern Front. In the period 1941-1943 Joachim Peiper participated in the battles in the USSR, fighting between Rostov-on-Don, Kharkiv and the Kursk Arch. In the course of the fights, he showed not only personal courage, commanding talents and a considerable tactical sense, but also bestiality towards the civilian population. After the defeat at the Kursk, he was transferred to Italy, where he massacred the civilian population in the town of Boves. At the end of 1943, he returned to the Eastern Front, fighting near Żytomierz. At the beginning of 1944, he was transferred to France, and later - from June this year - he participated in the battles with the Allied forces in Normandy. During the offensive in the Ardennes at the turn of 1944-1945, he participates in the offensive in the Ardennes, commanding his own Kampfgruppe. It is likely that he knew about the crimes of his subordinates committed against the American prisoners of war in Malmedy. After the end of World War II, he was tried for war crimes. Originally sentenced to death, later changed to life imprisonment, he was released from prison in 1956. He worked for the Porsche company for several years, and then moved to France, where in not fully explained circumstances he died in a fire in his own home in 1976. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Alpine Miniatures Šifra proizvoda: ALP-35201 Težina 0.02 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 6.4.2018 Tagovi Battle-of-Kharkov-1943 Joachim-Peiper Battle for Kharkiv was played from February 21 to March 18, 1943. It is assumed that about 70,000 soldiers took part in the battle on the German side, while on the Soviet side - about 340,000. soldiers. On the German side was commanded by Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, while on the Soviet side - Marshal Filip Golikow. The genesis of the Battle of Kharkiv in 1943 dates back to the German defeat at Stalingrad in February 1943 and the Red Army's move to the west offensive in the area of today's south-west Russia, which was aimed at the German Army Group "South". At the beginning of February 1943, Soviet troops liberated, among others, Kharkiv, Kursk and Belgorod. At the same time, however, despite the successes, the Soviet troops were stretched significantly, their logistics was defective and, above all, they suffered relatively high losses in the course of their offensive operations. In this situation, despite the significant numerical superiority of the enemy, the German troops (especially armored forces - including the 2nd SS Panzer Corps) launched the offensive and in the period from February 21 to 28, 1943, they encircled and destroyed the Red Army troops fighting south of Kharkiv. On March 4, the II Corps entered the city, retaking it from the Soviet hands until March 15, and three days later Belgorod was recaptured. The Battle of Kharkiv stabilized the eastern front until the Battle of the Kursk in July 1943. In the course of the fighting, the Soviets lost about 80,000 people, while the German side - about 11,000 people. Joachim Peiper was born in January 1915 and died in July 1976 at the age of 61. He was the German commander of motorized and mechanized units within the SS and Waffen-SS. He was born into a family with a certain military tradition, as his father served as a captain in German East Africa during the First World War. Joachim Peiper joined the SS at the age of 18, and a year later, in 1934, he was promoted to the rank of SS man and SS-Sturmmann. At the beginning of World War II, he was the personal adjutant of Heinrich Himmler. In May 1940, he obtained Himmler's permission to participate in the fighting in France, where he served in the 3rd Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Battalion. In the course of these fights he showed personal courage, for which he was decorated with the Iron Cross. At the end of 1941, she joined the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler unit fighting on the Eastern Front. In the period 1941-1943 Joachim Peiper participated in the battles in the USSR, fighting between Rostov-on-Don, Kharkiv and the Kursk Arch. In the course of the fights, he showed not only personal courage, commanding talents and a considerable tactical sense, but also bestiality towards the civilian population. After the defeat at the Kursk, he was transferred to Italy, where he massacred the civilian population in the town of Boves. At the end of 1943, he returned to the Eastern Front, fighting near Żytomierz. At the beginning of 1944, he was transferred to France, and later - from June this year - he participated in the battles with the Allied forces in Normandy. During the offensive in the Ardennes at the turn of 1944-1945, he participates in the offensive in the Ardennes, commanding his own Kampfgruppe. It is likely that he knew about the crimes of his subordinates committed against the American prisoners of war in Malmedy. After the end of World War II, he was tried for war crimes. Originally sentenced to death, later changed to life imprisonment, he was released from prison in 1956. He worked for the Porsche company for several years, and then moved to France, where in not fully explained circumstances he died in a fire in his own home in 1976. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Asuka model Šifra proizvoda: ASU35-026 Težina 0.58 kg Ean: 4571229090753 Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 15.6.2018 Tagovi M32 The M32 was an American, tracked technical support and evacuation vehicle from the Second World War. The first prototypes of the car were built in 1943, and serial production was carried out in 1943-1945. The car remained in the line with the US armed forces until 1953. More than 1,500 vehicles of this type were created in the course of production. The car was powered by various drive units, e.g. Continental R-975 or General Motors 6046 engine. The total length of the wagon was 5.9 meters with a width of 2.7 meters. The armament consisted of an 81 mm mortar and two 7.62 and 12.7 mm machine guns. The beginnings of work on the M32 date back to 1942 and assumed the creation of an Armored Recovery Vehicle, which was used on the battlefield. Ultimately, the M32 was based on the M4 Sherman medium tank and used many of its elements, such as the chassis, suspension or the hull. Such a procedure shortened the time of research and development, accelerated production, but also allowed the use of the same spare parts. Several development versions of this tank were created in the course of production, including: M32B1 (the basic version of the vehicle, based on the M4A1 tank), M32B3 (version based on the M4A3 tank) or the M32A1B1 (vehicle with HVSS suspension). The M32 vehicles were used in combat on many fronts of World War II, for example in the Italian campaign (1943-1945) or during the fighting in Normandy and France (1944). The US Army also used them during the Korean War (1950-1953). Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Germania-Figuren Šifra proizvoda: GER-72-WW2-490 Težina 0.01 kg Skala 1:72 Dodato je u katalog: 7.9.2022 Tagovi German-World-War-II-Indian-Legion The Volunteer Hindu Legion (Ger. Indische Freiwilligen-Legion der Waffen-SS ) is a military unit composed of Hindus and operating within the Waffen-SS structure during World War II. Its formation was closely related to the activity of the Hindu politician, with extremely nationalist views, Subhas Chandra Bose, who in 1942 obtained the consent of Adolf Hitler to recruit British prisoners captured by the Axis troops during the fighting in North Africa. As there were quite a lot of Indians among them, do About 3,000 people were pre-qualified for the Volunteer Legion, but after the selection this number dropped to 300. It is worth adding, however, that at the beginning of 1943 the number of soldiers in the formation was about 2,000. Interestingly, the unit (at the beginning of 1943) was composed of both Muslims and Hindu people, and the command language was English! In 1943, the unit (already known as the 950th Infantry Regiment) was transferred to the Netherlands, and shortly later to France. From June 1944, the unit performed a guard duty on the Atlantic Wall in the Bordeaux region. However, as the Allied armies advanced, the Volunteer Hindu Legion was withdrawn to Germany, where it remained until March 1945. The soldiers of the Legion, in the face of the inevitable defeat of the Third Reich, decided to try to escape to Switzerland, but it failed and were captured by American and French troops. Later, they were handed over to British troops, sent back to India and tried for treason. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač ET Model Šifra proizvoda: ETM-P35-041 Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 24.10.2023 Tagovi M32 3D Printed Parts * 25 The M32 was an American, tracked technical support and evacuation vehicle from the Second World War. The first prototypes of the car were built in 1943, and serial production was carried out in 1943-1945. The car remained in the line with the US armed forces until 1953. More than 1,500 vehicles of this type were created in the course of production. The car was powered by various drive units, e.g. Continental R-975 or General Motors 6046 engine. The total length of the wagon was 5.9 meters with a width of 2.7 meters. The armament consisted of an 81 mm mortar and two 7.62 and 12.7 mm machine guns. The beginnings of work on the M32 date back to 1942 and assumed the creation of an Armored Recovery Vehicle, which was used on the battlefield. Ultimately, the M32 was based on the M4 Sherman medium tank and used many of its elements, such as the chassis, suspension or the hull. Such a procedure shortened the time of research and development, accelerated production, but also allowed the use of the same spare parts. Several development versions of this tank were created in the course of production, including: M32B1 (the basic version of the vehicle, based on the M4A1 tank), M32B3 (version based on the M4A3 tank) or the M32A1B1 (vehicle with HVSS suspension). The M32 vehicles were used in combat on many fronts of World War II, for example in the Italian campaign (1943-1945) or during the fighting in Normandy and France (1944). The US Army also used them during the Korean War (1950-1953). Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Planet Models Šifra proizvoda: PLT209 Težina 1.05 kg Ean: 8595593115009 Skala 1:72 Dodato je u katalog: 20.7.2010 Tagovi Junkers-390 The Junkers Ju 390 was a German WWII prototype all-metal reconnaissance bomber and reconnaissance aircraft. The drive was provided by six engines BMW-801E with 1740 hp each. The flight of the prototype took place in 1943, and the production of this type of aircraft continued in the years 1943-1945. In total, only two Ju 390s were built. The deck armament consisted of three 13 mm MG 131 machine guns and five 20 mm MG 151 cannons. Design work on the Ju 390 began as early as 1942, when the need arose to create a bomber plane capable of reaching the United States from bases in France (the so-called Amerika Bomber), as well as a naval reconnaissance aircraft capable of operating over the entire Atlantic basin. Responding to this demand, the Junkers aviation company decided to expand the current structure of the Ju 290 by enlarging it (especially the wingspan!) And adding two additional engines. The flight of the prototype took place in 1943, and the only one used in combat entered the line in January 1944, which was making patrol flights over the Atlantic. Despite the fact that the Ju 390 turned out to be a generally successful machine that meets most of its requirements, it did not live up to large-scale production. Its lack was due to the enormous cost of a single plane, shortages of strategic resources in the declining period of the war, as well as reorientation of the Luftwaffe's priorities towards the production of fighters. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Print Scale Šifra proizvoda: PRI-144-020 Težina 0.10 kg Skala 1:144 Dodato je u katalog: 12.2.2021 Tagovi Messerschmitt-Me-109 1. Me 109 F-4 tropic 5/JG27 Libya in 1942. Pilot: sergeant Hans Niederhoferr. 2. Me 109 F-4Z Tropic JG 27 Martooba (Libya), november 1942. Pilot: hauptmann (Captain) Werner Schroer. 3. Me 109F-4 'Yellow 4' flown by Oberfeldwebel Eberhard von Boremski, 9./JG 3 'Udet', May 1942. 4. Me 109F-4 8/JG Herzas (Ace of hearts). Russian front in 1941 was. 5. Me 109F-4B Stab / JG 52.Tiraspol October 1941. Pilot: Hans Trubenbach. 6. Me 109F-4 9/JG Poland July 3 1941. Pilot: Victor Bauer. 7. Me 109F-4 (Wk-Nr 7558) 'Black Chevron and Bars' flown by Major Walter Oesau, Geschwaderkommodore JG 2 'Richthofen', Autumn 1941. 8. Me 109F-4 'Black 5' flown by Oberleutnant Anton Hackl, Staffelkapitan 5./JG 77, September 1942. 9. Me 109F-4 'White 1' flown by Oberleutnant Wolfdieter Huy, Staffelkapitan 7./JG 77, August 1941. 10. Me 109F-4 II / JG 51 August 1941 Russian Front pilot Josef Fozo. 11. Me 109F-4 / B 10/JG France 26 May 1942. Pilot: Oswald Fischer. 12. Me 109F-4 15. Span. / JG 51 (Escuadron Azul) was Russian Front in 1942. Pilot: Andres Robles. 13. Me 109F-4 Trop ll / JG 27 North Africa 1942. 14. Me 109 F 4 Trop. 7/JG 27. North Africa 1942. 15. Me 109F-4 III / JG 54 Russian Front, winter 1942. 16. Me 109F-4 Magyar Kiralyi Legiero Russian Front in 1942. 17. Me 109F-4 364 Squadron, 150 Gruppo Caccia Terrestre Regia Aeronautica. Libya 1943. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Royal Model di R. Reale Šifra proizvoda: RLM820 Težina 0.02 kg Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 1.6.2021 Tagovi Erwin-Rommel Erwin Rommel (full name: Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel) was born in 1891 and died probably by forced suicide in 1944. He was one of the most famous German generals of the Second World War - he was nicknamed the Fox of the Desert. Erwin Rommel gained his war experience from the first weeks of the First World War. In its course, as an infantry officer, he was active in Argons in France, Italy and Romania. In the course of this conflict, he often showed personal courage and skillfully led his troops into battle. For his achievements on the Italian front, he was awarded the highest order of imperial Germany - Pour Le Merite. After 1918, he remained in Reichswer. During this period, he also wrote a great and still up-to-date book "Piechota attacks!" (in German "Infanterie greif an!"). At the beginning of World War II, in recognition of his merits, he was the head of Adolf Hitler's Headquarters in Poland. However, already in the summer of 1940, he commanded the German 7th Armored Division with great success during the French campaign. However, in the years 1941-1943 he led the Afrika Korps during his fights in North Africa, often at that time presenting an unconventional, courageous, extremely offensive action, sometimes not taking into account the conditions of logistics. Ultimately, due to the numerical superiority of the Allied forces and its own problems with supplies - the campaign in North Africa was lost by the Axis countries. In the period 1943-1944 he held high command positions in France. Due to the still unclear role of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in the attack on Hitler of July 20, 1944, he was most likely forced to commit suicide in October 1944. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač L'Arsenal 2.0 Šifra proizvoda: LAR-AC70008 Skala 1:700 Dodato je u katalog: 29.6.2022 Tagovi Curtiss-SB2C-4-Helldiver The Curtiss SB2C Helldiver was an American low-wing dive bomber from the Second World War. The flight of the prototype took place in 1940, and serial production was carried out in the period 1943-1945. The drive - in the SB2C-4 version - was provided by a single 1900 HP Wright R-2600-20 engine. The length of the aircraft was 11.18 meters with a wingspan of 15.17 meters. The maximum speed was up to 475 km / h. The deck armament consisted of two 20mm AN / M2 cannons and two 7.62mm Browning machine guns. The machine could also carry a bomb load of up to 1,400 kilograms or a Mark 13-2 torpedo. The Curtiss SB2C Helldiver was developed and put on the line as the successor to the successful Douglas SBD Dauntless aircraft. The machine, compared to its predecessor, was clearly larger, heavier, but also had a shorter range and was much more demanding than the pilot. However, it was compensated by a very high - for this class of machines - maximum speed and climb. Over time, the Curtiss SB2C Helldiver gained a very good reputation among the crews flying it. Several versions of this aircraft were developed in the course of production, including: SB2C-1 (first production version armed with 4 12.7 mm MGs and one 7.62 mm MG), SB2C-3 (version with new engine and propeller), SB2C-4 (version with higher capacity) or SB2C-5 (version with increased capacity of fuel tanks). Machines of this type were used very intensively during the Pacific War of 1943-1945. They took part, for example, during the Battle of the Philippine Sea (1944) or during the Battle of Leyte Bay (1944), but also during the struggles on Iwo-Jima and Okinawa (1945). After the end of World War II, many aircraft of this type were handed over to, for example, Greece, France or Italy. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Tamiya Šifra proizvoda: tam36305 Težina 0.09 kg Ean: 4950344363056 Skala 1:16 Veličina 26,2 x 15,2 x 3,0 cm Dodato je u katalog: 30.10.2004 Tagovi Erwin-Rommel Erwin Rommel (full name: Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel) was born in 1891 and died probably by forced suicide in 1944. He was one of the most famous German generals of the Second World War - he was nicknamed the Fox of the Desert. Erwin Rommel gained his war experience from the first weeks of the First World War. In its course, as an infantry officer, he was active in Argons in France, Italy and Romania. In the course of this conflict, he often showed personal courage and skillfully led his troops into battle. For his achievements on the Italian front, he was awarded the highest order of imperial Germany - Pour Le Merite. After 1918, he remained in Reichswer. During this period, he also wrote a great and still up-to-date book "Piechota attacks!" (in German "Infanterie greif an!"). At the beginning of World War II, in recognition of his merits, he was the head of Adolf Hitler's Headquarters in Poland. However, already in the summer of 1940, he commanded the German 7th Armored Division with great success during the French campaign. However, in the years 1941-1943 he led the Afrika Korps during his fights in North Africa, often at that time presenting an unconventional, courageous, extremely offensive action, sometimes not taking into account the conditions of logistics. Ultimately, due to the numerical superiority of the Allied forces and its own problems with supplies - the campaign in North Africa was lost by the Axis countries. In the period 1943-1944 he held high command positions in France. Due to the still unclear role of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in the attack on Hitler of July 20, 1944, he was most likely forced to commit suicide in October 1944. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Print Scale Šifra proizvoda: PRI-72-155 Težina 0.01 kg Skala 1:72 Dodato je u katalog: 16.2.2021 Tagovi Supermarine-Spitfire 1. Spitfire Vc Unit/Location: Luqa Wing (Commander), Luqa, October 1942. Code:White PP-H/BR498 (flew in through Operation "Baritone", 17.08.1942). Pilot:Peter Prosser Hanks, RAF. 2. Spitfire Vc(t) Unit/Location:249 SQN, Ta Kali, July 1942. Code:White UF-S/BR301 (flew in through Operation "Bowery", 09.05.1942. Pilots:G F "Buzz" Beurling and John McElroy, both RCAF. 3. Spitfire Vc(t) Unit/Location:601 SQN, Luqa, 15.06.1942. Code:White UF-M (flew in through Operation "Bowery"(?),09.05.1942) Pilot:Bruce Ingram, RNZAF. Successes:2/0/0 on Malta and a wartime total of 10,5/3/5.Fate:KIA 11.07.44 over Imphal/India. 4. Spitfire Vb(t) Unit/Location:249 SQN, Ta Kali, July 1942 Code:White X-R/BR562 (flew in through Operation "Spotter", 07.03.1942) Pilot:Ray Hesselyn, RNZAF. Successes:12/1/7 on Malta and a wartime total of 21,5/2/7. Fate:Shot down 03.10.42 and wounded, POW, survived. 5. Spitfire Vc(t) Unit/Location:185 SQN, Hal Far, 09.09.42 Code:Yellow X/BR112 (flew in through Operation "Calendar", 20.04.1942). Pilot:Claude Weaver, RCAF (USA). Successes:10,5/3/0 on Malta and a wartime total of 12,5/3/0. Fate:POW 09.09.42, Survived. 6. Spitfire Vc(t) Unit/Location:603 SQN, Ta Kali, 09.07.1942. Code:White N-4/BP989 (flew in through Operation "Bowery", 09.05.1942) Pilot:Wally McLeod, RCAF. Successes:13/2/9,25 on Malta and a wartime total of 21/3/12,25 Fate:KIA 27.09.44 over France. 7. Spitfire Vc(t) Unit/Location:126 SQN, Luqa, 09.07.1942. Code:White N-MK (flew in through Operation "Style"(?), 03.06.1942) Pilot:Patrick "Paddy" Schade, RAF. Successes:13,5/2/2 on Malta and a wartime total of 13,5/2/2 (+3,5 V1) Fate:KIA, July 1944 over France. 8. Spitfire Vb Unit/Location:401 SQN, Gravesend, April-May 1942. Code:Sky YO-H/BL753. Pilot:D J W "Don" Blakeslee, RCAF (US). Successes:14,5/3/11 as a wartime total. 3/3/7 were on Mk V's. Fate:Survived. 9. Spitfire Vb Unit/Location:64 SQN, Hornchurch, May 1942. Code:Sky SH-Z/BM476 Note: SQN-Leaders pennant on the right side as well as the word "Athashikar" Pilot:Wilfred Duncan-Smith, RAF. Successes:17/2/8 as a wartime total. 8/2/5 were on Mk V's! Fate:Survived. 10. Spitfire Vb Unit/Location:411 SQN, Digby, April 1942.Code:Sky DB-P/AD196. Pilot:Henry "Wally" McLeod, RAF.Successes:21/3/12,5 as a wartime total. The majority of it on Mk V's! Fate:KIA 27.09.44 over France. 11. Spitfire Vb Unit/Location:92 SQN, Biggin Hill, August 1941. Code:Medium Sea Grey QJ-J/W3312 (nickname "Moonraker") Pilot:James Rankin, RAF. Successes:19,5/4,5/16 as a wartime total and nearly all of the on Mk V's! Fate:Survived. 12. Spitfire Vb(t) Unit/Location:145 SQN, Bou Grara/Tunisia, March 1943. Code:Blue ZX-E/ES252 Pilot:Lance Cleo Wade, RAF (USA). Successes:10/1/7 on Spitfire and a wartime total of 22/2/7 Fate:KIFA or KAS in January 1944. 13. Spitfire Vb Unit/Location:609 SQN, Biggin Hill, July 1941. Code:Medium Sea Grey PR-B/W3238 (nickname "The London Butcher") Pilot:Michael Robinson, RAF. Successes:16/4/1 as a wartime and approx. 50% of it on Mk V's! Fate:KIA in April 1942. 14. Spitfire Vb Unit/Location:91 SQN, Hawkinge, Summer 1941. Code:Medium Sea Grey DL-J/W3122 Pilot:Jean-Francois Demozay, RAF (French). Successes:18/2/4 as a wartime total and from this number 13/2/3 on Mk V's. Fate:Survived but KIFA in December 1945. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Alpine Miniatures Šifra proizvoda: ALP-16037 Težina 0.10 kg Skala 1:16 Dodato je u katalog: 6.4.2018 Tagovi US-2nd-Armored-Division US-World-War-II-Infantry Already after the first experiences of fighting in North Africa at the turn of 1942-1943, the US Army changed the position of the American infantry division. From 1943 onwards, each infantry division had three full-time infantry regiments, in turn composed of three infantry battalions. In addition, the infantry regiment also included other units, for example: an anti-tank company, an artillery company or a staff company. In total, the US Army's infantry regiment numbered approximately 3,100 soldiers. It should also be remembered that the division also included a strong artillery component consisting of four artillery battalions - 3 light and 1 medium, most often armed with 105 and 155 mm howitzers. There was also, among others, an engineering battalion, a repair company, a reconnaissance unit and a Military Police platoon. In total, the US Infantry Division numbered approximately 14,200 people from 1943. It quite clearly dominated the artillery over the German division and had much better and - above all - fully motorized means of transport, which made it a highly mobile tactical formation. It also had much richer "individual" anti-tank weapons in the form of a large number of bazooka launchers, of which there were over 500 in the entire division. The American 2nd Armored Division, commonly known as "Inferno on Wheels", was formed in the summer of 1940 in Fort Benning, Georgia. The unit was created on the basis of the so-called Provisional Tank Brigade composed of light and medium tanks. It is worth adding that the unit was temporarily commanded by General George Patton. The Second Armored Division was formed as the so-called "Heavy" and consisted of two armored regiments, consisting of 6 tank battalions (4 medium and 2 light). Sub-units of the division entered combat in November 1942 during the implementation of Operation Torch. Interestingly, although the division was transferred to North Africa, it did not take part in the fight against the Axis forces in Tunisia. On July 10, 1943, she landed in Sicily and took part in the fighting on this island in the summer of 1943. Shortly thereafter, it was transferred to Great Britain, where it was prepared for the landing in Normandy. The first sub-units of the division landed in France on June 9, 1944. The division took part in battles with German units in Normandy and was one of the key tactical units during Operation Cobra in late July 1944. From August 1944, it advanced eastwards reaching the German border. The unit played a significant role in the liberation of Bastgone during the Ardennes campaign in 1944-1945. It also took part in the crossing of the Rhine and the occupation of western Germany in April-May 1945. During World War II, the division lost about 980 killed and about 4,600 wounded. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Master Box Šifra proizvoda: mbx3551 Težina 0.08 kg Ean: 4820113080081 Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 27.2.2009 Tagovi Maquis French-World-War-II-Resistance Maquis (also: maquisards) is a collective term for members of the French resistance movement (French Resistance) fighting the German occupation in 1940-1944 in mainly rural areas. Originally, the Maquis units were composed of people - both women and men - who fled to the countryside or to the mountains, thus protecting themselves against conscription to the STO organization in the Vichy state, but also against forced labor for the German occupier in French territories. or before deportation to forced labor to the Third Reich. Over time, volunteers also joined the Maquis, seeking armed struggle with the Germans. The Maquis units conducted typical guerrilla warfare, committing acts of sabotage or fighting and organizing ambushes on small German units. Units of this type fought especially intensively in Brittany, southern France and the area called Limousin. It is worth adding that the Maquis also helped to escape to Great Britain or hid Allied airmen and Jews from the occupiers. The Maquis troops played a role in the Operation Overlord and Dragon operations, that is, in the Western Allied landings in northern and southern France. The first organizations that belonged to the French Resistance, also known as the Resistance Movement for short (fr. La Resistance), began to emerge as early as 1940, and therefore very shortly after the defeat of France in the same year's campaign. Their main goal was to fight mainly the German, and to a lesser extent, the Italian occupier. Institutions of the Vichy collaborating with Germany also fought. Until 1944, there were many organizations of the Resistance Movement in France, including the French Hope, the Special Organization, and the Civil and Military Organization. However, there is also a clear trend for these scattered and often conflicting organizations to submit to the Committee of Free France, and in February 1944 they established the French Internal Forces (Friar Forces Francaises de l'Interieur), which was strictly military in nature and any political disputes have been set aside. The French Internal Forces included both communist and right-wing troops. The main activities of this organization were to directly or indirectly support the Allied invasion of Normandy, and later the Allied forces liberating France. It is worth adding that La Resistance in the fall of 1943 had a population of several thousand people. It did not take on a truly mass character until the summer of 1944. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Riich.Models Šifra proizvoda: RII-RV35031 Težina 0.40 kg Ean: 6953391900784 Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 13.7.2018 Tagovi Universal-Carrier The Universal Carrier was a British tracked light armored vehicle from the Second World War. The first prototypes were built in 1935, and serial production was carried out in the period 1936-1945. In total, as many as 75,000 copies of this vehicle of all versions were created, which makes it the most frequently produced British armored vehicle during the Second World War. The Universal Carrier was powered by an engine Ford GAE or GAEA with 65 HP. The armament of the vehicle varied depending on the version, but most often it consisted of a 7.7 mm Bren machine gun. The Universal Carrier was derived from the VA D50 tractor developed at Vickers and was the result of a British Army contract for a lightweight, versatile tracked transporter. Originally, there were three versions of the car: the Vickers heavy rifle carrier, the Bren Gun Carrier, the Scout Carrier reconnaissance vehicle and the armored personnel carrier dedicated to Cavalry Carrier cavalry units. However, in 1939 it was decided to standardize all these vehicles and - with the outbreak of the war - put such a unified vehicle (Universal Carrier) into mass production. During World War II, the Universal Carrier was used for a wide variety of tasks: as an armored personnel carrier, as a reconnaissance vehicle or as an artillery tractor for a 6-pound 57mm gun. The Universal Carrier turned out to be a very successful, reliable, cheap to produce vehicle, susceptible to modernization and improvement. It was produced not only in Great Britain, but also in Canada, India and Australia. He served in many armies, including British, Australian and Canadian. It was also used by the Polish Armed Forces in the West (PES). The Universal Carrier vehicle served on all fronts where the British army fought in World War II: from the campaign in France in 1940, through the fighting in North Africa (1940-1943) and Italy (1943-1945), to the campaign in Normandy, in France and in West Germany (1944-1945). He also fought in the Far East against Japanese troops (1941-1945). Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Riich.Models Šifra proizvoda: RII-RV35039 Težina 0.43 kg Ean: 6953391900951 Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 22.9.2021 Tagovi Universal-Carrier The Universal Carrier was a British tracked light armored vehicle from the Second World War. The first prototypes were built in 1935, and serial production was carried out in the period 1936-1945. In total, as many as 75,000 copies of this vehicle of all versions were created, which makes it the most frequently produced British armored vehicle during the Second World War. The Universal Carrier was powered by an engine Ford GAE or GAEA with 65 HP. The armament of the vehicle varied depending on the version, but most often it consisted of a 7.7 mm Bren machine gun. The Universal Carrier was derived from the VA D50 tractor developed at Vickers and was the result of a British Army contract for a lightweight, versatile tracked transporter. Originally, there were three versions of the car: the Vickers heavy rifle carrier, the Bren Gun Carrier, the Scout Carrier reconnaissance vehicle and the armored personnel carrier dedicated to Cavalry Carrier cavalry units. However, in 1939 it was decided to standardize all these vehicles and - with the outbreak of the war - put such a unified vehicle (Universal Carrier) into mass production. During World War II, the Universal Carrier was used for a wide variety of tasks: as an armored personnel carrier, as a reconnaissance vehicle or as an artillery tractor for a 6-pound 57mm gun. The Universal Carrier turned out to be a very successful, reliable, cheap to produce vehicle, susceptible to modernization and improvement. It was produced not only in Great Britain, but also in Canada, India and Australia. He served in many armies, including British, Australian and Canadian. It was also used by the Polish Armed Forces in the West (PES). The Universal Carrier vehicle served on all fronts where the British army fought in World War II: from the campaign in France in 1940, through the fighting in North Africa (1940-1943) and Italy (1943-1945), to the campaign in Normandy, in France and in West Germany (1944-1945). He also fought in the Far East against Japanese troops (1941-1945). Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Riich.Models Šifra proizvoda: RII-RV35036 Težina 0.42 kg Ean: 6953391900876 Skala 1:35 Dodato je u katalog: 13.3.2019 Tagovi Universal-Carrier The Universal Carrier was a British tracked light armored vehicle from the Second World War. The first prototypes were built in 1935, and serial production was carried out in the period 1936-1945. In total, as many as 75,000 copies of this vehicle of all versions were created, which makes it the most frequently produced British armored vehicle during the Second World War. The Universal Carrier was powered by an engine Ford GAE or GAEA with 65 HP. The armament of the vehicle varied depending on the version, but most often it consisted of a 7.7 mm Bren machine gun. The Universal Carrier was derived from the VA D50 tractor developed at Vickers and was the result of a British Army contract for a lightweight, versatile tracked transporter. Originally, there were three versions of the car: the Vickers heavy rifle carrier, the Bren Gun Carrier, the Scout Carrier reconnaissance vehicle and the armored personnel carrier dedicated to Cavalry Carrier cavalry units. However, in 1939 it was decided to standardize all these vehicles and - with the outbreak of the war - put such a unified vehicle (Universal Carrier) into mass production. During World War II, the Universal Carrier was used for a wide variety of tasks: as an armored personnel carrier, as a reconnaissance vehicle or as an artillery tractor for a 6-pound 57mm gun. The Universal Carrier turned out to be a very successful, reliable, cheap to produce vehicle, susceptible to modernization and improvement. It was produced not only in Great Britain, but also in Canada, India and Australia. He served in many armies, including British, Australian and Canadian. It was also used by the Polish Armed Forces in the West (PES). The Universal Carrier vehicle served on all fronts where the British army fought in World War II: from the campaign in France in 1940, through the fighting in North Africa (1940-1943) and Italy (1943-1945), to the campaign in Normandy, in France and in West Germany (1944-1945). He also fought in the Far East against Japanese troops (1941-1945). Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač IBG Šifra proizvoda: IBG72026 Težina 0.15 kg Ean: 5907747900264 Skala 1:72 Dodato je u katalog: 4.10.2011 Tagovi Universal-Carrier The Universal Carrier was a British tracked light armored vehicle from the Second World War. The first prototypes were built in 1935, and serial production was carried out in the period 1936-1945. In total, as many as 75,000 copies of this vehicle of all versions were created, which makes it the most frequently produced British armored vehicle during the Second World War. The Universal Carrier was powered by an engine Ford GAE or GAEA with 65 HP. The armament of the vehicle varied depending on the version, but most often it consisted of a 7.7 mm Bren machine gun. The Universal Carrier was derived from the VA D50 tractor developed at Vickers and was the result of a British Army contract for a lightweight, versatile tracked transporter. Originally, there were three versions of the car: the Vickers heavy rifle carrier, the Bren Gun Carrier, the Scout Carrier reconnaissance vehicle and the armored personnel carrier dedicated to Cavalry Carrier cavalry units. However, in 1939 it was decided to standardize all these vehicles and - with the outbreak of the war - put such a unified vehicle (Universal Carrier) into mass production. During World War II, the Universal Carrier was used for a wide variety of tasks: as an armored personnel carrier, as a reconnaissance vehicle or as an artillery tractor for a 6-pound 57mm gun. The Universal Carrier turned out to be a very successful, reliable, cheap to produce vehicle, susceptible to modernization and improvement. It was produced not only in Great Britain, but also in Canada, India and Australia. He served in many armies, including British, Australian and Canadian. It was also used by the Polish Armed Forces in the West (PES). The Universal Carrier vehicle served on all fronts where the British army fought in World War II: from the campaign in France in 1940, through the fighting in North Africa (1940-1943) and Italy (1943-1945), to the campaign in Normandy, in France and in West Germany (1944-1945). He also fought in the Far East against Japanese troops (1941-1945). Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač IBG Šifra proizvoda: IBG72024 Težina 0.15 kg Ean: 5907747900240 Skala 1:72 Dodato je u katalog: 4.10.2011 Tagovi Universal-Carrier The Universal Carrier was a British tracked light armored vehicle from the Second World War. The first prototypes were built in 1935, and serial production was carried out in the period 1936-1945. In total, as many as 75,000 copies of this vehicle of all versions were created, which makes it the most frequently produced British armored vehicle during the Second World War. The Universal Carrier was powered by an engine Ford GAE or GAEA with 65 HP. The armament of the vehicle varied depending on the version, but most often it consisted of a 7.7 mm Bren machine gun. The Universal Carrier was derived from the VA D50 tractor developed at Vickers and was the result of a British Army contract for a lightweight, versatile tracked transporter. Originally, there were three versions of the car: the Vickers heavy rifle carrier, the Bren Gun Carrier, the Scout Carrier reconnaissance vehicle and the armored personnel carrier dedicated to Cavalry Carrier cavalry units. However, in 1939 it was decided to standardize all these vehicles and - with the outbreak of the war - put such a unified vehicle (Universal Carrier) into mass production. During World War II, the Universal Carrier was used for a wide variety of tasks: as an armored personnel carrier, as a reconnaissance vehicle or as an artillery tractor for a 6-pound 57mm gun. The Universal Carrier turned out to be a very successful, reliable, cheap to produce vehicle, susceptible to modernization and improvement. It was produced not only in Great Britain, but also in Canada, India and Australia. He served in many armies, including British, Australian and Canadian. It was also used by the Polish Armed Forces in the West (PES). The Universal Carrier vehicle served on all fronts where the British army fought in World War II: from the campaign in France in 1940, through the fighting in North Africa (1940-1943) and Italy (1943-1945), to the campaign in Normandy, in France and in West Germany (1944-1945). He also fought in the Far East against Japanese troops (1941-1945). Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Trumpeter Šifra proizvoda: tru05311 Težina 1.03 kg Ean: 9580208053110 Skala 1:350 Dodato je u katalog: 21.5.2008 Tagovi French-battleship-Richelieu Richelieu is a French battleship from the Second World War. The keel for this unit was laid in 1935, the launch took place in January 1939, and it was commissioned for service in the French Marine Nationale in June 1940. The full displacement of the ship at the time of launching was approximately 47,600 tons, 248 meters long and 33 meters wide. The maximum speed was up to 30 knots. The on-board armament consisted of: 8 380 mm guns in two turrets, 9 152 mm guns and 12 100 mm guns. Richelieu was the first battleship to belong to the class of the same name. The Richelieu-class battleships were designed and built primarily as a French response to the Italian Littorio / Vittorio Veneto-class ships. It was designed to a lesser extent to counter the Kriegsmarine of the Bismarck class. All main artillery was placed in front of the unit - similar to the battleships HMS Rodney or HMS Nelson. The relatively good armor of the new French battleships was also taken care of. Richelieu did not take an active part in World War II. During the fighting in France in the summer of 1940, he was transported to Dakar, where the finishing works were also completed. He stayed in the port of Dakar until 1943, repelling, among other things, attacks by the British fleet as part of Operation Catapult. In January 1943, it was captured by the Allies and ended up in the British Royal Navy. In the same year it was rebuilt, and in March 1944 it was included in the British Pacific Fleet. In August 1944, he was returned to the French side. In March 1946 he returned to France. He took part in the conflict in Indochina and in the so-called Operation Musketeer related to the Suez crisis in 1956. Two years later (1958) he was placed in the reserve. Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Świat z kartonu Šifra proizvoda: SZK009 Težina 0.05 kg Skala 1:25 Dodato je u katalog: 22.5.2012 Tagovi AEC-Dorchester The AEC Dorchester was a British armored command vehicle of the Second World War. The first prototypes were built in 1939, and serial production continued in the period 1941-1943. In total, about 410 examples of this vehicle were built. The AEC Dorchester was powered by an engine AEC A187 with 95 HP. The basic version of the vehicle was armed with a single 7.7mm Bren machine gun. At the end of the 1930s, the command of the British Army saw the need to provide officers of the middle and higher rank of mechanized and armored troops with the ability to command subordinate units in the field and to provide them with appropriate mobility command posts. The demanded answer was just that The AEC Dorchester, which was initially built on the Moris C9 / LAC truck chassis, and was finally mounted on the AEC Matador 4x4 truck chassis. This type of vehicle, due to its low failure rate, spacious interior and good working conditions, gained considerable recognition and popularity among British officers. One AEC Dorchester was captured by German troops in North Africa and was used by Erwin Rómml as a command vehicle. Two versions of the AEC Dorchester were created. The first (Mk. I) did not have a separate workplace for officers and was equipped with a 550 W power generator. The second version (Mk. II) had separate compartments for radio telegraphists and officers, and it was equipped with a power generator with a capacity of 1260 W. AEC Dorchester cars they served mainly during the fighting in North Africa (1940-1943), in Italy, France and West Germany in the period 1943-1945. They were also used by the Polish Armed Forces in the West (PES). Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač Hauler Šifra proizvoda: HAU-P72027 Težina 0.10 kg Skala 1:72 Dodato je u katalog: 1.10.2021 Tagovi AEC-Dorchester resin kit of british armored command vehicle The AEC Dorchester was a British armored command vehicle of the Second World War. The first prototypes were built in 1939, and serial production continued in the period 1941-1943. In total, about 410 examples of this vehicle were built. The AEC Dorchester was powered by an engine AEC A187 with 95 HP. The basic version of the vehicle was armed with a single 7.7mm Bren machine gun. At the end of the 1930s, the command of the British Army saw the need to provide officers of the middle and higher rank of mechanized and armored troops with the ability to command subordinate units in the field and to provide them with appropriate mobility command posts. The demanded answer was just that The AEC Dorchester, which was initially built on the Moris C9 / LAC truck chassis, and was finally mounted on the AEC Matador 4x4 truck chassis. This type of vehicle, due to its low failure rate, spacious interior and good working conditions, gained considerable recognition and popularity among British officers. One AEC Dorchester was captured by German troops in North Africa and was used by Erwin Rómml as a command vehicle. Two versions of the AEC Dorchester were created. The first (Mk. I) did not have a separate workplace for officers and was equipped with a 550 W power generator. The second version (Mk. II) had separate compartments for radio telegraphists and officers, and it was equipped with a power generator with a capacity of 1260 W. AEC Dorchester cars they served mainly during the fighting in North Africa (1940-1943), in Italy, France and West Germany in the period 1943-1945. They were also used by the Polish Armed Forces in the West (PES). Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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Osnovne informacije Proizvođač FPW Model Šifra proizvoda: FPW-G72-008 Težina 0.09 kg Ean: 72008033 Skala 1:72 Dodato je u katalog: 3.2.2021 Tagovi AEC-Dorchester The AEC Dorchester was a British armored command vehicle of the Second World War. The first prototypes were built in 1939, and serial production continued in the period 1941-1943. In total, about 410 examples of this vehicle were built. The AEC Dorchester was powered by an engine AEC A187 with 95 HP. The basic version of the vehicle was armed with a single 7.7mm Bren machine gun. At the end of the 1930s, the command of the British Army saw the need to provide officers of the middle and higher rank of mechanized and armored troops with the ability to command subordinate units in the field and to provide them with appropriate mobility command posts. The demanded answer was just that The AEC Dorchester, which was initially built on the Moris C9 / LAC truck chassis, and was finally mounted on the AEC Matador 4x4 truck chassis. This type of vehicle, due to its low failure rate, spacious interior and good working conditions, gained considerable recognition and popularity among British officers. One AEC Dorchester was captured by German troops in North Africa and was used by Erwin Rómml as a command vehicle. Two versions of the AEC Dorchester were created. The first (Mk. I) did not have a separate workplace for officers and was equipped with a 550 W power generator. The second version (Mk. II) had separate compartments for radio telegraphists and officers, and it was equipped with a power generator with a capacity of 1260 W. AEC Dorchester cars they served mainly during the fighting in North Africa (1940-1943), in Italy, France and West Germany in the period 1943-1945. They were also used by the Polish Armed Forces in the West (PES). Greška u opisu? Prijavi problem

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