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Kolor štampa. Scala, Freske - Đoto, Luciano Belosi; 2003.

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Luciano Berti - TOUTES LES OEVRES DE MICHEL-ANGE MICHELANGELO Izdavač: Bonechi editore Povez: mek + zaštitni omot Godina izdanja: 1969 Broj strana: 95 Knjiga je odlično očuvana i čista, vrlo kvalitetno odštampana - stanje možete videti na fotografijama. s

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Luciano Lago: STARE KARTE JADRANA Mek povez - veći format: 24x34cm, 189strana, bogato ilustrovano, izdavač: CASH - Pula Kako je od Erastotena i njegovih predhodnika, preko Ptolomeja Mediteran bio centrom svijeta, tako i Jadran nalazimo u najranijim poznatim kartama i tu počinje priča koju su vam pokušali ispričati u knjizi Stare karte Jadrana, Luciano Lago, poznati povjesničar geografije i kartografije te suradnici. Jadran, Jadransko more...

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All The Works of Michelangelo And Sistine Chapel by Luciano Berti - Bonechi Editore - 1969 godina .

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Knjige su u dobrom stanju,spoljni omoti malo izbledeli sa strane. Luigi Pareti, Paolo Brezzi i Luciano Petech – STARI SVIJET I-III Historija čovječanstva: kulturni i naučni razvoj 1. Od 1200. do 500. god. pr. n. e. 2. Od 500. god. pr. n. e. Do početka nove ere 3. Od početka nove ere do 500. god. (Naprijed, Zagreb, 1967, tvrd povez, XXXVI+417+XII+430+XI+498 str., ilustrovano)

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Stanje:dobro Izdato:Cassel,London Godina 1974 Korica:tvrda Ovo se ne kupuje svaki dan. Stanje proverite na slikama. U svakom slucaju, pitajte preko poruka, tražite dodatne slike na mail, proverite dali vam odgovara stanje, i dajte ponudu.. Ko je hrabar, neka ga samo posmatra. :) Uštedite na poštarini i kupite što više knjiga! SRETNO! -----52-----

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Šifra proizvoda: 9780714877532 ISBN: 9780714877532EAN: 0714877532Izdavač: PhaidonTip robe: TrgovaćkaAutor: Lucian Freud, Mark Holborn (editor), David Dawson (editor)Godina izdanja: 2019Jezik: ENGPismo: LatinBroj strana: 248Format i povez: Tvrdi | 280 x 344 mm Kategorije: Slikarstvo i skulptura, Umetnost Oznaka: include feed Dostupno: Knjižara Akademija, Knez Mihailova 35, 11000 Beograd WEB SHOP

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Luciano Artusi, Silvano Gabbrielli, Felice Vaccaro – IL CALCIO STORICO FIORENTINO (Copexa, Firenze – Giugno, 1976, tvrd povez, 137 str., ilustrovano) Tradicionalni `kalčo` u Firenci.

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The 3 Tenors - Modena 1997 - program sa koncerta tri tenora Jose Carreras , Placido Domingo i Luciano Pavarotti + ulaznica za koncert . Program je na italijanskom i engleskom jeziku .

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Luciano Lazzaro Padua - Die Hügel und die Thermen - Ortschaften an den Ufern des Brenta Montegrotto, 1972 63 str. meki povez stanje: dobro-, potpis na poslednjoj strani. Padova, Hugel, Italija

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Luigi Pareti - Paolo Brezzi - Luciano Petech: STARI SVIJET 1-2-3, Naprijed Zagreb 1967, tvrdi povez, omot, str. 417 + 430 + 498. Edicija Historija čovječanstva - Kulturni i naučni razvoj: Drugi svezak - Stari svijet u tri knjige. Očuvanost 4 - omoti izlepljeni - ima potpis.

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Descriptio Histriae - Luciano Lago - Claudio Rossit La peninsola istrian in alcuni momenti significativi della sua tradizione cartografica sino a tutto il secolo XVIII. Izdavac: Lint, Trieste Cvrst povez 345 str. Dimenzije, veliki format 33x35 cm Jezik italijanski Manji tragovi ostecenja na omotnici knjige.

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Šifra proizvoda: 9781912520060 ISBN: 9781912520060EAN: 1912520060Tip robe: TrgovaćkaGodina izdanja: 2019Autor: David DawsonJezik: ENGPismo: LatinBroj strana: 152Format i povez: Tvrdi | 230 x 280 mmIzdavač: ROYALACAD Kategorije: Slikarstvo i skulptura, Umetnost Dostupno: Knjižara Akademija, Knez Mihailova 35, 11000 Beograd WEB SHOP

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Luigi Pareti, Paolo Brezzi i Luciano Petech – STARI SVIJET I-III Historija čovječanstva: kulturni i naučni razvoj 1. Od 1200. do 500. god. pr. n. e. 2. Od 500. god. pr. n. e. Do početka nove ere 3. Od početka nove ere do 500. god. (Naprijed, Zagreb, 1967, tvrd povez, XXXVI+417+XII+430+XI+498 str., ilustrovano)

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La Basilica di SANTA MARIA del COLLE a Pescocostanzo Tekst: Anna Colangelo, Adriano Ghisetti Giavarina, Floriana Conte, Francesco Sabatini, Vittorio Casale, Marta Vittorini Fotografije: Luciano D`Angelo, Mauro Vitale Izdavač: Menabò edizioni, Ortona 2015. Tvrd povez, zaštitni omot, 187 stranica, ilustrovano, 32x28cm Tekst na italijanskom jeziku Vrlo dobro očuvana - Štampano na papiru GardaMatt 170 gr - Opera monografica che si avvale dei contributi di studio dei più attenti storici e storici dell`arte e di un corredo fotografico di alto livello. Francesco Sabatini traccia il quadro storico di Pescocostanzo, il piccolo centro abruzzese e le ragioni che spiegano la presenza in esso, dalla fine del 1600, di capolavori così raffinati e costosi; A. Ghisetti Giavarina segue le fasi costruttive della Basilica e M. Vittorini, F. Conte, A. Colangelo, V. Casale ne illustrano il ricco contenuto di pitture, statue, marmi commessi, stucchi, opere in legno e in ferro battuto, mettendo in luce i forti influssi esercitati sugli artisti locali dai loro maestri lombardi e napoletani. Le foto di Luciano D`Angelo e Mauro Vitale rendono con superba maestria le atmosfere dei dipinti, lo splendore delle armonie dei colori dei marmi e le virtuosistiche composizioni del ferro battuto. g11

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Historija čovječanstva - Kulturni i naučni razvoj Svezak drugi I-III Svezak drugi I-III (Od Do 500.god.n.e.) Autori: Luigi Pareti, Paolo Brezzi, Luciano Petech 1. Od 1200. do 500. 2. Od do nove ere 3. Od početka nove ere do 500.god. Izdavač: `Naprijed` Zagreb Tvrd povez sa omotom; strana XXXII+417, 430, 498 ( brojne ilustracije i crno/bele fotografije); 24cm Zaštitni omoti oštećeni.. Knjige dobro očuvane. Sitan potpis vlasnika na naslovnim stranama.

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HISTORIJA ČOVJEČANSTVA : Kulturni i naučni razvoj 6 svezaka 20 knjiga Naprjed Zagreb 1966 - 1976 tvrdi povez I svezak : 1. Jacquetta Hawkes - PRETHISTORIJA 2. Sir Leonard Woolley - POČECI CIVILIZACIJE II svezak : 1 - 3 Luigi Pareti Paolo Brezzi Luciano Petech - STARI SVIJET III svezak : 1 - 3 Vadim Jelisejev Jean Naudou Gaston Wiet Philippe Wolff - VELIKE CIVILIZACIJE SREDNJEG VIJEKA IV svezak : 1 - 4 Louis Gottschalk L / C Mackinney E . H . Pritchard - TEMELJI MODERNOG SVIJETA ( 1300 - 1775 ) V svezak : 1 - 4 Charles Moraze - DEVETNAESTO STOLJEĆE ( 1775 - 1905) VI svezak : 1 - 4 Caroline F. Ware K . M . Panikkar J . M . Romein - DVADESETO STOLJEĆE Tags - ISTORIJA ČOVEČANSTVA ISTORIJA CIVILIZACIJE CIVILIZACIJA 20.08.2020

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NAJLEPŠE OPERE LA BOHEME PLUS CD MUZIKA Šifra artikla: 272266 Isbn: 9789537770518 Autor : Giacomo Puccini Izdavač : JUTARNJI LIST ZAGREB Zbor i orkestar Teatro alla Scala Dirigent: Carlos Kleiber Glavne uloge: Luciano Pavarotti, Ileana Cotrubas, Piero Cappuccilli Naslov ne smije zavarati: posrijedi jest boemština, a s njome boemi, umjetnici o kojima je pripovijedao Henri Murger u svojim Prizorima iz boemskog života, odakle se po... Detaljnije Zbor i orkestar Teatro alla Scala Dirigent: Carlos Kleiber Glavne uloge: Luciano Pavarotti, Ileana Cotrubas, Piero Cappuccilli Naslov ne smije zavarati: posrijedi jest boemština, a s njome boemi, umjetnici o kojima je pripovijedao Henri Murger u svojim Prizorima iz boemskog života, odakle se pojam boematine prosuo po svijetu - ali drama koja se nazire ispod njihova naizgled lepršava i lakomislena, a zapravo napornog života, istinska je i univerzalna. “La boheme” je praizvedena u torinskome Teatru Regiu u veljači 1896. Tri tjedna kasnije, opera je premijerno izvedena u TeatruArgentinau Rimu, nakon čega slijede inscenacije u opernim teatrima u Napulju, pa u Palermu. Ubrzi je osvojila i publiku u Comedy Theatreu u Manchesteru, kao i onu u londonskom Covent Gardenu 22. listopada. Nakon togaprelazi ocean i doživljava ovacije u Los Angeles Theatreu i Metropolitan Operi u New Yorku. Od tada postaje i nikada ne prestaje biti veliki klasik opere. Ovaj snimak La boheme ovjekovječio je jedan od zvjezdanih trenutaka te Puccinijeve opere: onaj u milanskoj Scali 1979., kada je navedena postava ostavila neizbrisiv trag u povijesti opere. Ime/Nadimak Email adresa Poruka POŠALJI Kategorija MUZIKA Autor Giacomo Puccini Težina specifikacija 0.5 kg Izdavač JUTARNJI LIST ZAGREB Pismo Latinica Povez Broš Godina 2012 Format 10x10 Strana 60 Obavezni kolačići čine stranicu upotrebljivom omogućavanjem osnovnih funkcija kao što su navigacija stranicom i pristup zaštićenim područjima. Sajt koristi kolačiće koji su neophodni za pravilno funkcionisanje naše veb stranice kako bi se omogućile određene tehničke funkcije i tako vam pružilo pozitivno korisničko iskustvo. Statistički kolačići anonimnim prikupljanjem i slanjem podataka pomažu vlasnicima web lokacija da razumeju kako posetioci komuniciraju sa stranicom. To su kolačići koji omogućavaju web analitiku sajta, odnosno analizu upotrebe naših stranica i merenje prometa, koje sajt sprovodi u cilju poboljšanja kvaliteta i sadržaja ponuđenih usluga. Marketinški kolačići se koriste za praćenje posetilaca putem web stranice. Koriste se za prikazivanje relevantnih oglasa korisnicima i podsticanje da učestvuju, što je važno za nezavisne izdavače i oglašavače. Sajt koristi Google Analytics kolačiće ads/ga-audiences i collect, te Facebook kolačiće fr i tr.

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  • 16. Sep 2023.

  • Smederevska Palanka


fransis bekon žorž brak đorđo de kirko max ernst lucian frojd kandinski kazimir maljevič džekson polak endi vorhol ,,, pun kolor veliki format nova na engleskom vellok

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Mondongo Cumbre en Casa de America.Daniel Maman fine art.Deset portreta-Juan Carlos/Reina Sofia/Principe Felipe/Juan Pablo II/General Jose De San Martin/Walt Disney/David Bowie/Lucian Freud/Enrique Fogwill.Format 30,5x23,5.31 strana.Odlicno ocuvana.

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KSČ64) Sensuous, voluptuous, provocative - the female form has inspired artists for centuries, making it perhaps the most popular subject in the history of painting. Since Giogione`s `Sleeping Venus`, the first notable female nude in Western painting, artists have focused on the infinite possibilities of the representation of the female body. Featuring full-page illustrations of masterpieces of the genre - from Titian`s `Venus of Urbino` to Manet`s `Olympia`, from Invres` `Large Odalisque` to Lucian Freud`s `Naked Girl` - this volume provides a tour of Western society`s ever-changing visions of beauty and repose.

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PRVI SVETSKI RAT: Lučijan Boja Naslov Prvi svetski rat : kontroverze, paradoksi, reinterpretacije / Lučijan Boja ; [preveo s rumunskog Dragan Stojanović ; redakcija prevoda Stevan Bugarski] Jedinstveni naslov Primul rǎzboi mondial. srpski jezik Vrsta građe stručna monografija URL medijskog objekta odrasli, ozbiljna (nije lepa knjiž.) Jezik srpski Godina 2015 Izdavanje i proizvodnja Novi Sad : Prometej ; Beograd : Radio-televizija Srbije, 2015 (Novi Sad : Prometej) Fizički opis 106 str. ; 21 cm Drugi autori - osoba Stojanović, Dragan = Stojanović, Dragan Bugarski, Stevan, 1939- = Bugarski, Stevan, 1939- Zbirka Edicija Srbija 1914-1918 ; ǂkolo ǂ2, ǂknj. ǂ4 ISBN 978-86-515-1023-9 (karton) Napomene Prevod dela: ǂPrimul ǂrǎzboi mondial / Lucian Boia Tiraž 1.000 Beleška o autoru: str. 105-106 Napomene i bibliografske reference uz tekst. Predmetne odrednice Prvi svetski rat 1914-1918 Knjige Lučijana Boje su više nego polemička ispitivanja u smislu demitologizacije i otklanjanja zajedničkih mesta u istoriji i, implicintno, u rumunskom mentalitetu. Realni ulog je pisanje zajedničke evropske istorije, oslobođen predrasuda i opšteprihvaćenih teorija. Ova je knjiga nužni i jasni sintetički izraz dosadašnjih autorovih ideja, a glavna joj je tematika ‘utemeljujući događaj sveta u kojem živimo’. Po svojoj moralnoj problematici, po svom zamahu i po svojim katastrofalnim posledicama, koje su se neposredno materijalizovale u drugoj svetskoj konflagraciji, Prvi svetski rat ostaje jedna od najprostresnijih drama novije istorije. A Versajski sistem ostaje čin rođenja sadašnje Evrope Potpuno nova, nekorišćena knjiga. bs

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STEPHEN FARTHING UMJETNOST VODIČ KROZ POVIJEST I DJELA Predgovor - Richard Cork Prevod - Dunja Kalođera, Petra Kljaić, Vedran Pavlić, Maja Rožman Izdavač - Školska knjiga, Zagreb Godina - 2015 576 strana 25 cm ISBN - 978-953-0-61769-8 Povez - Broširan Stanje - Kao na slici, tekst bez podvlačenja SADRŽAJ: Predgovor Uvod 1 Od pretpovijesti do 15. stoljeća 2 15. 116. stoljeće 3 17.i 18. stoljeće 4 19. stoljeće 5 Od 1900. do 1945. 6 Od 1946. do danas Pojmovnik Suradnici Izvori citata Kazalo Popis nositelja autorskih prava objavljenih slika Zahvale `Najpristupačnija povijest svjetske umjetnosti ikad objavljena. Više od 1100 ilustracija u boji najpoznatijih umjetničkih djela. Obuhvaća sve umjetničke forme, od slikarstva i kiparstva do konceptualne umjetnosti, od prapovijesti do naših dana. Umjetnost – vodič kroz povijest i djela započinje sveobuhvatnim povijesnim pregledom koji umjetnost smješta u kontekst društvenih i kulturnih zbivanja od razdoblja prije nastanka prvih država. Knjiga je organizirana kronološki te prati evoluciju umjetničkih razdoblja i pokreta. Bogato ilustrirani stručni tekst pokriva sve umjetničke forme, od slikarstva i kiparstva do konceptualne i izvedbenih umjetnosti. Temeljito vrednovanje ideja i radova ključnih umjetnika otkriva kako su pojedini umjetnici utjecali na rad drugih te što su pokušavali ostvariti svojim djelima. Detaljni kronološki sažetci kulturnih strujanja i života pojedinih umjetnika objašnjavaju povijesni kontekst. Posebno su obrađena i detaljno analizirana remek-djela koja u sebi utjelovljuju ključne značajke svakog pojedinog razdoblja i pokreta. Objašnjeno je sve, od korištenja boja i vizualnih metafora do tehničkih inovacija i trajnog nasljeđa pojedinog djela, što vam omogućuje da kao nikad dosad spoznate puno značenje svjetski poznatih remek-djela. Uživajte u složenim detaljima mogulskih minijatura, doznajte sve o važnosti japanskih grafika iz devetnaestog stoljeća, upoznajte se sa znanstvenim temeljima teorija boja koje su utjecale na Seuratovo zapanjujuće Nedjeljno poslijepodne na otoku La Grande Jatte, te otkrijte zašto su Picassove Gospođice iz Avignona u svoje vrijeme izazvale pravi skandal. Stephen Farthing slikar je i profesor crtanja na Umjetničkom sveučilištu u Londonu. Godine 1990. izabran je za dekana Visoke likovne škole Ruskin Sveučilišta Oxford, a 1998. godine postaje član Kraljevske umjetničke akademije u Londonu. Magistrirao je slikarstvo na Kraljevskom umjetničkom koledžu u Londonu, a likovne umjetnosti predaje od 1977. godine. Glavni je urednik knjige 1001 slika koju morate vidjeti prije smrti. Preveli s engleskoga Dunja Kalođera, Petra Kljaić, Vedran Pavlić, Maja Rožman.` Ako Vas nešto zanima, slobodno pošaljite poruku. This Is Art Stiven Farting Ričard Kork Umetnost Vodič Kroz Povest I Dela Istorija Umetnosti Apstraktni Ekspresionizam Vito Acconci Ansel Adams Afrička Umetnost Antička Umetnost Arte Povera Art Nouveau Francis Bacon Barok Georg Baselitz Bauhaus Abrey Beardsley Giovanni Bellini Joseph Beuys Hieronymus Bosch Derek Boshier Sandro Botticelli Constantin Brancusi Georges Braque Pieter Stariji Bruegel Michelangelo Buonarroti Vizantijska Umetnost Giovanni Antonio Canal Giovanni Antonio Canaletto Michelangelo Merisi Caravaggio Giorgio Barbarelli Castelfranco Paul Cezane Marc Chagall Giorgio De Chirico Gustav Courbet Dada Salvador Dali Jacques Louis David Edgar Degas Eugenedelacroix Robert Delaunay De Stijl Digitalna Umetnost Theo Von Dooesburg Marcel Duchamp Albrecht Durer Egipatska Umetnost Tracey Emin Jacob Epstein Max Ernst Ekspresionizam Jan Van Eyck Fovizam Fotografija Jean Honore Fragonard Piero Della Francesca Lucian Freud Futurizam Paul Gauguin Theodore Gericault Jean Leon Gerome Alberto Giacometti Hugo Van Der Goes Vincet Van Gogh Gotika Francisco De Goya Grčka Umetnost Juan Gris Raoul Hausmann Hiperalizam David Hockney Katsushika Hokusai William Holman Hunt Edward Hopper Impresionizam Indijska Umetnost Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Islamska Umetnost Japanska Umetnost Frida Kahlo Vasilij Kandinski Kineska Umetnost Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Paul Klee Yves Klein Gustav Klimt Konceptualna Umetnost Kubizam Land Art Fernand Leger Sol Lewitt Roy Lichtenstein Rene Magritte Kasimir Malevich Edouard Manet Manirizam Franz Marc Henri Matisse Meksička Umetnost John Everett Millais Minimalizam Modernizam Amadeo Modigliani Piet Mondrian Claude Monet Albert Moore Robert Motherwell Takashi Murakami Neoklasicizam Neoekspresionizam Barnett Newman Emil Nolde Op Art Orijentalizam Jose Orozco Denis Peterson Pablo Picassocamille Pissarro Jackson Pollock Jacopo Carucci Pontormo Pop Art Postimpresionizam Primitivizam Realizam Regionalizam Pierre Restany Pierre Auguste Renoir Rembrand Harmensz Rijn Diego Rivera Rokoko Aleksandar Rodčenko Rimska Umetnost Romanika Romantizam Dante Gabriel Rossetti Mark Rothko Henri Rousseau Peer Paul Rubenskarl Schmidt Rotluff Secesija Georges Pierre Seurat Paul Signac David Siquerios Suprematizam Nadrealizam Simbolizam Johnny Warangkula Tjupurrula Urbana Umetnost Diego Velazquez Leonardo Da Vinci Jeff Wall Andy Warhol John William Waterhouse Jean Antonie Watteau Rogier Van Der Weyden James Mcneill Whisler Rachel Whiteread

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U dobrom stanju The Saga of Hog Island: And Other Essays in Inconvenient History Paperback – January 1, 1977 by James J. Martin Publisher ‏ : ‎ Ralph Myles; First Edition (January 1, 1977) Language ‏ : ‎ English Paperback ‏ : ‎ 208 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0879260211 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0879260217 Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 11.2 ounces Martin`s additionist essays are historical correctives that have relevance to events today. The first essay tells the story of the massive world war 1 ship building yard built at Hog Island, now the site of Philadelphia International Airport. Legend has it that the `Hoagie` sandwich may have had it`s origin among the many Italian American shipyard workers. At it`s peak as many as 36,000 workers were employed on Hog Island yards. This vast facility was established to mass produce cargo ships for the WW1 war effort, along the lines of the more famous `Liberty Ships` of WW2. But the program was dogged by scandal and massive accounting `incompetence`. In the end Hog Island, owned and operated by a consortium who`s membership register reads like a `Who`s Who` of the American business and industrial elite, delivered 122 ships that cost of `at least` $235 million to build (that is $2.4 billion in 2007 dollars, ~$20M each). Most of the ships were ultimately sold for a mere $35,000 each ($353,000 in 2007 dollars). Hog Island itself was a part of a larger web of mismanagement that embraced the Shipping Board and the Emergency Fleet Corporation. `Alfred D. Lasker, who assumed the direction of the Shipping Board under President Harding, on July 16, 1921 decalred that the total government `loss` on the ship construction, operation and leasing activities during the World War came to $4,000, 000, 000- double the figure originally thought.` Corrected for inflation, those 1921 dollars amount to approximately $40.3 billion in 2007 dollar terms. In a January 31, 2005 CNN article published under the headline `Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds`. `Nearly $9 billion of money spent on Iraqi reconstruction is unaccounted for because of inefficiencies and bad management, according to a watchdog report published Sunday.` It`s probably not being over dramatic to say that the vast `losses` in US military-industrial spending represent part of a 90 year tradition of apparently unending fiscal incompetence. On the 10th January 2000, `The Weekly Standard` declared that Winston Churchill was `Man of the Century`. In his second essay `The Consequences of World War Two to Great Britain: Twenty Years of Decline, 1939 -1959` provides a much needed tonic to Churchill worship, and his elevation to the status of prophet, as regularly recycled by the History Channel and George W Bush`s bedside reading. In 1942 Churchill declared `I have not become His Majesty`s first minister to preside over the dissolution of the British Empire.` Yet to a large extent that was his real legacy as Martin explains. Martin`s piece also illustrates the extraordinary fickleness of many American conservatives. Ever ready (and probably rightfully so) to condemn FDR for bending over too far to accomodate Josef Stalin, FDR`s `willing accomplice` Winston Churchill largely escapes scot free from conservative criticism. Yet less than a year before his famous 1946 Fulton Missouri `Iron Curtain` speech, Churchill was praising Comrade Joe in parliament. Perhaps had FDR, who died in April 1945, had lived another year he would have had time to perform a public somersault too. Martin provides an eye opening essay on Mussolini`s campaign against the mafia. Like most students of history I had heard of this but had assumed Mussolini must have conducted some kind of fascist purge or authoritarian `round up` of mafiosi. Not so. Mussolini`s campaign was quite civilised with the accused being provided legal rights and indeed many accused successfully defended themselves against the charges and walked free. Still despite these `handicaps`, Mussolini`s lawful and orderly campaign against the mobs was one of the largest and most successful campaigns against organised crime anywhere, and much of it`s gain was unravelled by a mixture of postwar chaos and some allied cooperation with the mafia. Martin explores this last angle too. Many of us have heard of Lucky Luciano`s claims to have helped protect the New York waterfront from German saboteurs and to have aided the allied advance across Sicily. These stories indeed have become legends of sort. Martin sees them as shameless self promotion from a crook on the make. The allied armoured and amphibious campaign in Sicily wasn`t dependent on local mafiosi to show them goat tracks behind the Axis lines. Martin has three essays on the Pacific War. Only one could really be called revisionist. In `Pearl Harbor: Antecedents, Background and Consequences` he outlines the background to Japanese-American rivalry in the Pacific in the decades and days before Pearl Harbor. Usually `the revisionist position` here (as if there were just one) is summarised as the claim that FDR engaged in a conspiracy over Pearl Harbor. The old mainstream belief that FDR was really an innocent victim of a surprise attack has now largely been dismissed from serious scholarship, thanks to decades worth of unpraised work by revisionist historians. The new mainstream belief is that the unheeded warnings of imminent attack were mishandled. Administrative incompetence rather then conspiracy provides a better explanation. The revised mainstream account arbitrarily assumes incompetence and conspiracy are mutually exclusive categories. More to the point was `Rainbow 5`, the then secret ABDA (Australian-British-Dutch-American) agreement ` fight the Japanese in Asia if their forces crossed a geographic line..[which]..approximated the northerly extremity of the [Dutch East Indies].` The US government was advised that the Japanese had crossed the magic line on December 3 (Washington time) and that America`s allies naturally expected the US government to live up to it`s agreements. The apparent mishandling of reports concerning Japanese fleet movements in the northern pacific need to be considered with the ABDA timeline in mind. Considering the great difficulty the administration had in having conscription passed in Congress, it squeaked through by just one vote, a certain degree of planned incompetence, an art form familiar to anyone who has worked in a bureaucracy can attest to, is not an unreasonable explanation (although one inherently and deliberately hard to prove). Nor is such a hypothesis equivalent to Roswell UFOs or the Bavarian Illuminati as anti-conspiracists like to maintain. Martin also essays the stories of Colin Kelly and `Tokyo Rose`. Kelly was an airman who died early in the Philippines campaign after his aircraft was hit following an indecisive attack on a second or third tier Japanese vessel, probably a supply transport. In the dark days of continuous bad news from the Pacific his deeds were inflated to legendary status by the media, and indeed the administration, until it sounded as if he single handedly sank a battleship in a one-man kamikaze attack. Subsequent revisions of the official account deflated the Kelly story down to a footnote before disappearing in later versions. The whole story seems to echo in the 2003 Jessica Lynch story. Times indeed have changed, the spin cycle is faster these days. The `Tokyo Rose` essay details how a soldiers` myth, that there was one seductive Japanese propaganda broadcaster luring GIs with tales of unfaithful girlfriends back home, led to a miscarriage of justice that scarred the life of Iva Toguri, a young Japanese American woman accidentally caught up in Japan whilst visiting family in the days surrounding Pearl Harbor. Toguri, one of many english language broadcasters was made carry the can for the lot. With the boom in recent years of feminist and multicultural studies, all under the history banner, it is surprising that Martin`s `The Framing of Tokyo Rose`, especially with it`s hints of sexuality, hasn`t become a standard in gender studies. This too has modern references, and not just in the United States. The current `War on Terror` is leaving in it`s wake a growing `bodycount` of innocent bystanders caught at the wrong place, often to become the victims of tragic miscarriages of justice as government security apparatus strikes out at it`s elusive quarry. The book is rounded off with three brief appendix essays, essentially magazine articles. The first compares the blacklists imposed on Axis commerce in South America by the US in the years before Pearl Harbor to the attempted Arab boycott of jewish owned firms in the US in 1975. The second discusses the Morgenthau Plan and the third is a brief history of political assassination in the first half of the 20th century. The last article is definitely the best, the Morgenthau Plan article is not comprehensive and seems to have been prematurely ended, neglecting to cover it`s demise and the boycott article seems to me to be `drawing a long bow`. The Rockefeller administered Axis boycott in South America, whatever else it was, was part of an actual economic warfare plan, the Arab boycott barely deserved the name and was almost entirely a propaganda campaign lacking serious enforcement teeth. If anything it probably boomeranged and hardened international opinion against the Arab campaign. `The Saga of Hog Island` is recommended to anyone interested in modern history.

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