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Priručnik za sklapanje i nadogradnju PC-ja. Ova knjiga – priručnik namenjena je onima koji žele da saznaju šta se nalazi ispod poklopca kućišta PC-ja i kako se PC sklapa. Cilj knjige: prvo, da pomogne amaterima koji imaju osnovna znanja iz elektronike da sami, ili uz pomoć stručnjaka, sastave, ili nadograde svoj "kompjuter snova" drugo, da u izvesnoj meri demistifikuje PC kao tehničko čudo – iako on to u suštini i jeste, upoznavanjem njegove strukture treće, da zadovolji prirodnu znatiželju mladih ljudi, koji neće sami sklapati, a možda ni dograđivati PC, ali žele da "zavire" ispod poklopca njegovog kućišta. Knjiga nudi odgovore na sledeća pitanja: Koje su prednosti i nedostaci PC-ja nabavljenog po principu “miša u ruke” i onog po principu “uradi sam”? Koji se delovi nalaze u kućištu PC-ja, a koji se uređaji mogu na njega priključiti spolja? Kakva je procedura sklapanja kompjutera “iz garaže”? Kako se instalira neophodan softver? Kako bezbedno koristiti i održavati PC? Kako rešiti osnovne probleme u radu PC-ja? Kako zaštititi podatke od virusa i drugih štetočina? Preporučujemo: Kompjuter po mojoj meri Kratak sadržaj: 1. Kompjuter po principu "uradi sam" 2. Priprema za sklapanje kompjutera 3. PC – korak po korak – sklapanje osnovne konfiguracije 4. Delimično i potpuno podešavanje BIOS-a i CMOS RAM-a 5. Particionisanje i formatizovanje tvrdog diska 6. Instaliranje softvera 7. Ugrađivanje i priključivanje ostalih komponenata i uređaja 8. Završno testiranje kompletnog PC-ja 9. Nadogradnja – modernizacija konfiguracije PC-ja 10. Otklanjanje problema u radu kompjutera 11. Održavanje i bezbedno korišćenje PC-ja 12. Bezbednost podataka i kako je postići

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Pomoć za PC i gadžete: Vodič za rešavanje problema i popravljanje po principu „Uradi sam“ PC, pametni telefoni, tableti, mreže, kamere, kućni bioskop i još više – sve u jednoj knjizi! Svi mi koristimo tehnologiju — i svi mi imamo problema sa njom. Nemojte da se nervirate… i nemojte da trošite novac na skupe popravke ili pozive za podršku! Sami rešite problem pomoću jednog vodiča koji će vam to olakšati, a zove se „Pomoć za PC i gadžete“. Koristeći jasne slike, korisne „tabele simptoma“ i opise procesa koje možete lako da pratite, Mark Edward Soper vodi vas, korak po korak, kroz identifikovanje, rešavanje i prevenciju stotine tehničkih problema. Soper je obuhvatio sve glavne platforme: iPhone, iPad, Android uređaje, Windows sisteme i još puno štošta. Čak vam pomaže i da rešite čudne probleme koji se dešavaju kada ove uređaje koristite zajedno! Osnove teme Povratite izgubljeni pristup Internetu i popravite prekinute Wi-Fi konekcije. Rešite probleme nastale pri pregledu i deljenju medija i drugih fajlova. Pronađite probleme u napajanju kad god se pojave. Rešite probleme koji se pojavljuju pri štampanju sa pametnog telefona ili tableta. Popravite nedostajući video ili audio na HDTV-u ili kućnom bioskopu. Podesite sinhronizaciju da ispravno funkcioniše na vašem Apple ili Android uređaju. Poboljšajte 3D performanse za igre na vašem PC-ju. Identifikujte i zamenite falične memorijske čipove. Sprečite pregrejavanje koje može da ošteti vašu opremu. Rešite uobičajene probleme sa digitalnim foto-aparatima i DV rekorderima. Rešite probleme sa iOS ili Android antenama, ažuriranjima, ekranima i konekcijom. Omogućite da FaceTime ispravno funkcioniše na vašem iPhoneu ili iPadu. Rešite probleme sa vašim eReaderom i prikažite svoje e-knjige na dodatnim uređajima. Razumno odlučite da li ćete da nadgradite, popravite ili zamenite uređaj. Autor Mark Edward Soper je 30 godina bio instruktor i korporativni trener, pomažući hiljadama ljudi da budu srećniji koristeći svoju ličnu tehnologiju. On je autor knjige „PC Help Desk in a Book“ i koautor knjige „PC Help Desk“ (čiji je autor Leo Laporte), kao i više od 25 drugih knjiga o Windowsu, digitalnoj fotografiji, mrežama, Internetu, IT sertifikatu i rešavanju problema na računaru. Soper je CompTIA A+ sertifikovani računarski tehničar i ima sertifikat Microsoft Certified Professional. Zašto vam je potrebna ova knjiga? Ako ste tipičan korisnik elektronike, imate PC (možda više od jednog), pametni telefon, tablet ili dva i štampač. Takođe, verovatno imate kućni bioskop i HDTV, ozvučenje ili prijemnik i Blue-ray plejer. Dodajte tome još digitalni foto-aparat ili HD kameru i možete da kažete da imate puno odličnih uređaja koji bi trebalo odlično da funkcionišu međusobno – ako ste ekspert. Ako za sebe kažete: „Hej, ja nisam ekspert”, to je u redu. Ova knjiga je „stručnjak“ kojeg tražite. Ja sam proveo godine u korišćenju ove tehnologije, pisao sam o njoj i učio, i tu sam da vam pomognem. Ako ste se ikada iznervirali jer ste dugo čekali „pomoć”, koja i nije bila mnogo korisna, ili zbog nepotrebnih uslužnih poziva ili zbog problema koje jednostavno ne možete da rešite, ova knjiga je upravo za vas. Ona nije napisana za tehnološke genije, već za ljude koji žele da njihovi kućni ili lični uređaji funkcionišu kako bi i trebalo – i možda malo bolje. Ovo je moja treća PC Help Desk knjiga i veoma mi je drago što ponovo mogu da pišem o ovoj temi. Kada sam napisao moju prvu knjigu PC Help Desk i udružio se sa Leo Laporteom za nastavak pre jedne decenije, akcenat je bio na računarima (uglavnom na desktop računarima). Od tada se puno štošta promenilo: mnogo više korisnika ima laptopove nego desktop računare, Windows, Apple i Android se bore za mesto na tržištu mobilnih uređaja, veoma je važno da uređaji dobro funkcionišu međusobno, bez obzira na različite operativne sisteme i vrstu uređaja, digitalni foto-aparati, HD kamkoderi i video kamere su deo akcije i sistemi kućnih bioskopa dominiraju dnevnim sobama i sobicama u mnogim delovima sveta. Ova knjiga je napisana za taj raznoliki, uzbudljiv i frustrirajući svet. Mi želimo da vam pomognemo da vaši uređaji funkcionišu ispravno i da rešite probleme kada se oni dese i da vam pokažemo kako da vaši uređaji funkcionišu zajedno. Problemi sa tehnologijom mogu da se podele u tri kategorije: problemi sa hardverom problemi sa softverom problemi sa Internetom/umrežavanjem Ponekad problemi sa tehnologijom uključuju dve ili više oblasti, čineći rešenje još težim. Srećom, knjiga „Pomoć za PC i gadžete“ je dizajnirana za rešavanje uobičajenih problema sa kojima ćete se susretati, čak i ako više problema opterećuje vaš sistem. Ova knjiga je dizajnirana da brzo pruži odgovore koji su vam potrebni za probleme sa vašim računarom. Naš cilj je da vas odvedemo direktno od simptoma do rešenja. Možete da računate na rešenja u ovoj knjizi. Ova knjiga je proizvod bezbroj sati provedenih u otkrivanju problema sa kućnom i ličnom elektronikom (ponekad čak i namerno izazivanih), otkrivanju rešenja za određene probleme i njihovom testiranju. U ovom procesu ja sam koristio neke od najnovijih proizvoda na tržištu, ali nikada ne zaboravljam da svi mi živimo uz ograničeni budžet i da nam je potrebna pomoć za uređaje koji možda nisu najnoviji, ali bi i dalje trebalo da funkcionišu. Znam kako je to kada ne možete da pronađete odgovore na pitanja u vezi tehnike. Proveo sam više od 25 godina kao učitelj, trener, konsultant, pisac i pravio sam video snimke o tehnologijama da bih odgovorio na ta pitanja. Pročitajte ovu knjigu i imaćete koristi. Kratak sadržaj Poglavlje 1 Anatomija PC-ja, tableta, mobilnih uređaja, kućnih bioskopa, digitalnih foto-aparata i rekordera 101 9 Poglavlje 2 Nadgraditi, popraviti ili zameniti? 63 Poglavlje 3 Rešavanje problema internet konekcije 69 Poglavlje 4 Rešavanje problema malwarea i sprečavanje prevara 109 Poglavlje 5 Rešavanje problema pregleda fotografija i video snimaka 133 Poglavlje 6 Kako da vaš uređaj ostane uključen 155 Poglavlje 7 Rešavanje problema napajanja desktopa 167 Poglavlje 8 Popravka Windows uređaja koji ne mogu da se pokrenu 197 Poglavlje 9 Rešavanje problema deljenja fajlova 229 Poglavlje 10 Rešavanje problema deljenja uređaja 265 Poglavlje 11 Rešavanje problema štampanja 277 Poglavlje 12 Rešavanje problema kućnih bioskopa, HDTV-a i projektora 309 Poglavlje 13 Povećanje brzine 3D igrica 343 Poglavlje 14 Kako da uređaj ostane ažuran? 363 Poglavlje 15 Rešavanje problema memorije 387 Poglavlje 16 Kako da uređaj ostane hladan? 405 Poglavlje 17 Rešavanje problema ekrana osetljivih na dodir, tastatura i miša 423 Poglavlje 18 Nadgradnja i rešavanje problema uređaja za skladištenje 445 Poglavlje 19 Rešavanje problema softvera 501 Poglavlje 20 Rešavanje problema digitalnog foto-aparata 521 Poglavlje 21 Rešavanje problema HD i video rekordera 557 Poglavlje 22 Rešavanje problema iOS uređaja 571 Poglavlje 23 Rešavanje problema Android uređaja 585 Poglavlje 24 Tokovi procesa rešavanja problema 593 Rečnik pojmova 613 Indeks 639 Ova knjiga je zasnovana na činjenicama, a ne na mašti, pa se na nju slobodno možete osloniti.

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Bitni saveti za izbor komponenti sistema PC-ja i njihova namena. Prethodno izdanje je rasprodato u rekordnom roku. Kada kupujete kompjuter - neka to bude po Vašoj meri. Kompjuter koji će Vama najbolje služiti, a ne Vi njemu! Uštedite novac, vreme i nerve! Zašto da bespotrebno trošite svoj novac i svoje vreme. Ova knjiga – vodič napisana je upravo sa ciljem da Vam pruži neophodne informacije i da Vam pomogne da kupite PC, koji će najbolje odgovarati Vašim željama, ali i Vašim mogućnostima. Knjiga je namenjana početnicima, ali i onima koji žele da saznaju više o PC-iju. U knjizi ćete naći odgovore na pitanja: U koje se sve svrhe može koristiti PC Od čega se sastoji konfiguracija personalnog kompjutera i čemu koja komponenta služi? Koji su osnovni kriterijumi izbora svake komponente? Kakva i koja komponenta i uređaj Vam treba za određenu vrstu posla? Kako i gde da nađete informacije radi donošenja odluke o izboru komponente ili uređaja? Poštovani čitaoci na raspolaganju Vam stoji: Razumljiv tekst Fotografije i crteži Tabele sa stotinama podataka

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You need to know what's coming. But, until now, most guides to the Internet of Everything have been written for technical experts. Now, the world's #1 author of beginning technology books has written the perfect introduction for every consumer and citizen. In The Internet of Things, Michael Miller reveals how a new generation of autonomously connected smart devices is emerging, and how it will enable people and devices to do more things, more intelligently, and more rapidly. Miller demystifies every type of smart device, both current and future. Each chapter ends with a special "...and You" section, offering up-to-the-minute advice for using today's IoE technologies or preparing for tomorrow's. You'll also discover the potential downsides and risks associated with intelligent, automatic interaction. When all your devices can communicate with each other (and with the companies that sell and monitor them), how private is your private life? Do the benefits outweigh the risks? And what does a connected world do when the connections suddenly go down? Packed with scenarios and insider interviews, The Internet of Things makes our future utterly, vividly real. Table of Contents Online Sample Chapter Smart TVs: Viewing in a Connected World Sample Pages Download the sample pages (includes Chapter 3 and Index) Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 Smart Connectivity: Welcome to the Internet of Things Welcome to the Future What Is the Internet of Things? What Kinds of Things Can Be Connected to the Internet of Things? What Do All Those Connected Things Do? When Will the Internet of Things Arrive? How Important Is the Internet of Things? Smart Connectivity and You Chapter 2 Smart Technology: How the Internet of Things Works Understanding the Internet of Things: The Big Picture Building the Internet of Things Stage One: Device Proliferation and Connection Stage Two: Making Things Work Together Stage Three: Developing Intelligent Applications Understanding Smart Devices What’s a Thing? Building Blocks Deconstructing a Device Store and Forward Understanding Network Connections How Traditional Networks Work Transferring Data Over a Network Understanding IP Addresses Examining Wireless Technologies Understanding RF Technology Wi-Fi Bluetooth and Bluetooth Smart Cellular Networks Mesh Networks Proprietary Cellular Networks Which Technologies Are Best? Understanding the Data Understanding Intelligent Applications Understanding Big Data Data Harvesting Data Storage Data Analysis Profiting from the Internet of Things Resources Smart Technology and You Chapter 3 Smart TVs: Viewing in a Connected World What Exactly Is Smart TV? What’s Inside a Smart TV? What You Need to Use a Smart TV What a Smart TV Does Considering Smart TV Operating Systems Examining a Typical Smart TV Exploring Smart TV Set-Top Devices How to Choose a Smart TV or Device How Secure Are Smart TVs? Hacking Into the System An Eye Into Your Living Room Official Snooping Integrating Smart TVs into the Internet of Things Smart TVs and You Chapter 4 Smart Appliances: From Remote Control Ovens to Talking Refrigerators Understanding Smart Appliances Today Smart Operation Smart Monitoring Smart Energy Savings Smart Maintenance Smarter Food Storage with Smart Refrigerators Smarter Cooking with Smart Ovens Smarter Cleaning with Smart Washers and Dryers Smarter Dishwashing with Smart Dishwashers Smart Appliances and You Chapter 5 Smart Homes: Tomorrowland Today Automating the Home Convenience Security Efficiency Tying It All Together A Short History of Smart Homes Smart Steps to a Smart Home Step 1: Basic Communications Step 2: Simple Commands Step 3: Automating Basic Functions Step 4: Tracking and Taking Action Step 5: Prompting Activities and Answering Questions Step 6: Automating Tasks Simple Components for a Smart Home Sensors Controllers Actuators Buses Interfaces Networks Smarter Living with Smart Furniture Smarter Environment with Smart Lighting Smarter Views with Smart Windows Motorized Window Coverings Smart Glass Smarter Heating and Cooling with Smart Thermostats Nest Learning Thermostat Other Smart Thermostats Using Nest with Other Smart Devices Data Collection and Control Issues Smarter Protection with Smart Security Systems Smarter Security Systems Smart Locks Smart Security Cameras Smarter Sensing with Smart Monitors Smart Smoke Detectors Smart Air Quality Monitors Smarter Information with Amazon Echo Reimagining the Smart Network INSTEON Z-Wave ZigBee Controlling the Smart Home Control4 Crestron HomeSeer Iris mControl Quirky SmartThings Vera Vivint WeMo Wink X10 Where Can You Find Smart Home Devices? Smart Homes and You Chapter 6 Smart Clothing: Wearable Tech Wearable Technology Today–and Tomorrow Watching the Smartwatches Samsung Galaxy Gear Android Wear Other Popular Smartwatches Apple Watch Exercising with Fitness Trackers Understanding Fitness and Activity Trackers Tracking the Trackers Keeping Well with Wearable Healthcare Devices Monitoring Your Family with Wearable Trackers Recording with Wearable Cameras Eyeing Smart Eyewear Google Glass Recon Jet Glass Backlash Wearing Other Smart Clothing Dealing with Your Personal Data The Value of Data It’s Your Data, Isn’t It? Managing the Data Putting the Data to Use Enter the Insurance Companies How to Keep Your Personal Data Personal Where Do You Get Those Wonderful Toys? Smart Clothing and You Chapter 7 Smart Shopping: They Know What You Want Before You Know You Want It Eliminating the Need to Shop Changing the Retail Environment Smart Store Tech Making It Easier to Pay Deliveries by Drone Managing Inventory Smarter What About Your Data? Smart Shopping and You Chapter 8 Smart Cars: Connecting on the Road Smart Cars Today–and Tomorrow Smart Functionality Smart Diagnostics Smarter Driving Smart Communications Smart Entertainment Smart Climate Control Hacking a Smart Car Cars That Drive Themselves How Self-Driving Cars Work What’s Coming Levels of Automation Introducing Google’s Self-Driving Car Pros and Cons of Autonomous Autos The Good The Bad The Ugly Navigating the Legal Landscape Smart Cars and You Chapter 9 Smart Aircraft: Invasion of the Drones What Drones Are–and What They Aren’t Understanding Radio-Controlled Aircraft What Makes a Drone a Drone? Different Kinds of Drones How Drones Are Used Today Military Drones Intelligence Drones Surveillance Drones Civilian Drones The Future of Drone Aircraft Smarter Drones Delivery Drones Regulating Drone Aircraft Fly the Scary Skies: The Problems with Drones Collision and Liability Concerns Security Concerns Privacy Concerns Other Smart Aircraft Technologies Smart Structures Smart Skin Smart Maintenance Smart Cabins Smart Aircraft and You Chapter 10 Smart Warfare: Rise of the Machines The Past, Present, Future of Tech-Based Warfare Three Generations of Warfare The Fourth Generation Smart Aircraft Smart Bombs Smart Weapons Robot Soldiers Today’s Army Robots Robotic Armor and Super Soldiers Autonomous Fighting Robots Smart Strategy Smart Combat and You Chapter 11 Smart Medicine: We Have the Technology Welcome to the Internet of Medical Things Connecting Devices Centralizing Records Realizing Benefits Smart Medical Devices and Monitoring Examining Smart Medical Devices Monitoring the Monitors Smart Monitoring for Seniors Smart Meds Smart Hospitals Everything’s Monitored, and Nothing’s Monitored Smarter Devices Smarter Standards Other Smart Equipment Smart Medical Records Apple HealthKit Dossia FollowMyHealth MediConnect Microsoft HealthVault Smart Medicine and You Chapter 12 Smart Businesses: Better Working Through Technology Smart Offices Smart Connectivity Smart Environment Virtual Meetings Smart Stores Smart Inventory Management Smart Manufacturing Smart Transportation Smart Warehousing Smart Management Smart Businesses and You Chapter 13 Smart Cities: Everyone’s Connected Understanding the Smart City Smart Infrastructure Smart Communication and Emergency Management Smart Roads and Traffic Management Smart Parking Smart Traffic Management Smart Roads Smart Public Lighting Smart Utilities Smart Waste Management Smart Water Management Smart Grid Understanding the Smart Grid Smarter Energy Management A Self-Healing Grid Collecting and Using the Data Building the Smart Grid Smart Cities and You Chapter 14 Smart World: The Global Internet of Everything Scaling the Internet of Things Globally Connecting Cities, States, and Countries The Rural Internet of Things The Agricultural Internet of Things Smart Irrigation Pest Control Smart Tractors Self-Driving Tractors The Environmental Internet of Things Battling Climate Change Impediments to the Global Internet of Things Technological Challenges Security Challenges Bureaucratic and Political Challenges The Smart World and You Chapter 15 Smart Problems: Big Brother Is Watching You Privacy Issues What Do They Really Know About You? Your Government Is Spying On You Privacy Versus the IoT Security Issues Data Security System Security Big Data Issues Autonomy and Control Issues Smart Machine Issues Smart Problems and You

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Cloud Computing: Business Trends and Technologies provides a broad introduction to Cloud computing technologies and their applications to IT and telecommunications businesses (i.e., the network function virtualization, NFV). To this end, the book is expected to serve as a textbook in a graduate course on Cloud computing. The book examines the business cases and then concentrates on the technologies necessary for supporting them. In the process, the book addresses the principles of – as well as the known problems with – the underlying technologies, such as virtualization, data communications, network and operations management, security and identity management. It introduces, through open-source case studies (based on OpenStack), an extensive illustration of lifecycle management. The book also looks at the existing and emerging standards, demonstrating their respective relation to each topic. Overall, this is an authoritative textbook on this emerging and still-developing discipline, which •Guides the reader through basic concepts, to current practices, to state-of-the-art applications. •Considers technical standards bodies involved in Cloud computing standardization. •Is written by innovation experts in operating systems and data communications, each with over 20 years’ experience in business, research, and teaching. Table of Contents About the Authors ix Acknowledgments xi 1 Introduction 1 References 6 2 The Business of Cloud Computing 7 2.1 IT Industry Transformation through Virtualization and Cloud 7 2.2 The Business Model Around Cloud 13 2.2.1 Cloud Providers 14 2.2.2 Software and Service Vendors 15 2.3 Taking Cloud to the Network Operators 15 References 18 3 CPU Virtualization 19 3.1 Motivation and History 20 3.2 A Computer Architecture Primer 21 3.2.1 CPU, Memory, and I/O 21 3.2.2 How the CPU Works 23 3.2.3 In-program Control Transfer: Jumps and Procedure Calls 25 3.2.4 Interrupts and Exceptions—the CPU Loop Refined 28 3.2.5 Multi-processing and its Requirements—The Need for an Operating System 34 3.2.6 Virtual Memory—Segmentation and Paging 38 3.2.7 Options in Handling Privileged Instructions and the Final Approximation of the CPU Loop 42 3.2.8 More on Operating Systems 44 3.3 Virtualization and Hypervisors 48 3.3.1 Model, Requirements, and Issues 49 3.3.2 The x86 Processor and Virtualization 52 3.3.3 Dealing with a Non-virtualizable CPU 55 3.3.4 I/O Virtualization 57 3.3.5 Hypervisor Examples 60 3.3.6 Security 65 References 69 4 Data Networks—The Nervous System of the Cloud 71 4.1 The OSI Reference Model 74 4.1.1 Host-to-Host Communications 74 4.1.2 Interlayer Communications 76 4.1.3 Functional Description of Layers 79 4.2 The Internet Protocol Suite 85 4.2.1 IP—The Glue of the Internet 87 4.2.2 The Internet Hourglass 98 4.3 Quality of Service in IP Networks 102 4.3.1 Packet Scheduling Disciplines and Traffic Specification Models 103 4.3.2 Integrated Services 105 4.3.3 Differentiated Services 109 4.3.4 Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) 112 4.4 WAN Virtualization Technologies 117 4.5 Software-Defined Network 120 4.6 Security of IP 125 References 129 5 Networking Appliances 131 5.1 Domain Name System 131 5.1.1 Architecture and Protocol 134 5.1.2 DNS Operation 140 5.1.3 Top-Level Domain Labels 142 5.1.4 DNS Security 145 5.2 Firewalls 149 5.2.1 Network Perimeter Control 153 5.2.2 Stateless Firewalls 155 5.2.3 Stateful Firewalls 158 5.2.4 Application-Layer Firewalls 161 5.3 NAT Boxes 163 5.3.1 Allocation of Private IP Addresses 165 5.3.2 Architecture and Operation of the NAT Boxes 168 5.3.3 Living with NAT 172 5.3.4 Carrier-Grade NAT 180 5.4 Load Balancers 184 5.4.1 Load Balancing in a Server Farm 185 5.4.2 A Practical Example: A Load-Balanced Web Service 187 5.4.3 Using DNS for Load Balancing 188 References 191 6 Cloud Storage and the Structure of a Modern Data Center 193 6.1 Data Center Basics 195 6.1.1 Compute 196 6.1.2 Storage 196 6.1.3 Networking 198 6.2 Storage-Related Matters 198 6.2.1 Direct-Attached Storage 200 6.2.2 Network-Attached Storage 208 6.2.3 Storage Area Network 215 6.2.4 Convergence of SAN and Ethernet 221 6.2.5 Object Storage 230 6.2.6 Storage Virtualization 233 6.2.7 Solid-State Storage 236 References 242 7 Operations, Management, and Orchestration in the Cloud 245 7.1 Orchestration in the Enterprise 247 7.1.1 The Service-Oriented Architecture 253 7.1.2 Workflows 255 7.2 Network and Operations Management 259 7.2.1 The OSI Network Management Framework and Model 261 7.2.2 Policy-Based Management 264 7.3 Orchestration and Management in the Cloud 267 7.3.1 The Life Cycle of a Service 268 7.3.2 Orchestration and Management in OpenStack 274 7.4 Identity and Access Management 287 7.4.1 Implications of Cloud Computing 289 7.4.2 Authentication 291 7.4.3 Access Control 295 7.4.4 Dynamic Delegation 299 7.4.5 Identity Federation 302 7.4.6 OpenStack Keystone (A Case Study) 303 References 309 Appendix: Selected Topics 313 A.1 The IETF Operations and Management Standards 313 A.1.1 SNMP 313 A.1.2 COPS 316 A.1.3 Network Configuration (NETCONF) Model and Protocol 319 A.2 Orchestration with TOSCA 324 A.3 The REST Architectural Style 329 A.3.1 The Origins and Development of Hypermedia 329 A.3.2 Highlights of the World Wide Web Architecture 332 A.3.3 The Principles of REST 334 A.4 Identity and Access Management Mechanisms 336 A.4.1 Password Management 336 A.4.2 Kerberos 338 A.4.3 Access Control Lists 341 A.4.4 Capability Lists 342 A.4.5 The Bell–LaPadula Model 343 A.4.6 Security Assertion Markup Language 345 A.4.7 OAuth 2.0 347 A.4.8 OpenID Connect 349 A.4.9 Access Control Markup Language 351 References 353 Index 355

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Book Use Arduino boards in your own electronic hardware & software projects Sense the world by using several sensory components with your Arduino boards Create tangible and reactive interfaces with your computer Discover a world of creative wiring and coding fun! Table of Contents Preface Chapter 1: Let's Plug Things Chapter 2: First Contact with C Chapter 3: C Basics – Making You Stronger Chapter 4: Improve Programming with Functions, #Math, and Timing Chapter 5: Sensing with Digital Inputs Chapter 6: Sensing the World – Feeling with Analog Inputs Chapter 7: Talking over Serial Chapter 8: Designing Visual Output Feedback Chapter 9: Making Things Move and Creating Sounds Chapter 10: Some Advanced Techniques Chapter 11: Networking Chapter 12: Playing with the Max 6 Framework Chapter 13: Improving your C Programming and #Creating Libraries Index Preface Chapter 1: Let's Plug Things What is a microcontroller? Presenting the big Arduino family About hardware prototyping Understanding Arduino software architecture Installing the Arduino development environment (IDE) Installing the IDE How to launch the environment? What does the IDE look like? Installing Arduino drivers Installing drivers for Arduino Uno R3 Installing drivers for Arduino Duemilanove, Nano, or Diecimilla What is electricity? Voltage Current and power What are resistors, capacitors, and so on? Wiring things and Fritzing What is Fritzing? Power supply fundamentals Hello LED! What do we want to do exactly? How can I do that using C code? Let's upload the code, at last! Summary Chapter 2: First Contact with C An introduction to programming Different programming paradigms Programming style C and C++? C is used everywhere Arduino is programmed with C and C++ The Arduino native library and other libraries Discovering the Arduino native library Other libraries included and not directly provided Some very useful included libraries Some external libraries Checking all basic development steps Using the serial monitor Baud rate Serial communication with Arduino Serial monitoring Making Arduino talk to us Adding serial communication to Blink250ms Serial functions in more detail Serial.begin() Serial.print() and Serial.println() Digging a bit… Talking to the board from the computer Summary Chapter 3: C Basics – Making You Stronger Approaching variables and types of data What is a variable? What is a type? The roll over/wrap concept Declaring and defining variables Declaring variables Defining variables String String definition is a construction Using indexes and search inside String charAt() indexOf() and lastIndexOf() startsWith() and endsWith() Concatenation, extraction, and replacement Concatenation Extract and replace Other string functions toCharArray() toLowerCase() and toUpperCase() trim() length() Testing variables on the board Some explanations The scope concept static, volatile, and const qualifiers static volatile const Operators, operator structures, and precedence Arithmetic operators and types Character types Numerical types Condensed notations and precedence Increment and decrement operators Type manipulations Choosing the right type Implicit and explicit type conversions Implicit type conversion Explicit type conversion Comparing values and Boolean operators Comparison expressions Combining comparisons with Boolean operators Combining negation and comparisons Adding conditions in the code if and else conditional structure switch…case…break conditional structure Ternary operator Making smart loops for repetitive tasks for loop structure Playing with increment Using imbricated for loops or two indexes while loop structure do…while loop structure Breaking the loops Infinite loops are not your friends Summary Chapter 4: Improve Programming with Functions, #Math, and Timing Introducing functions Structure of a function Creating function prototypes using the Arduino IDE Header and name of functions Body and statements of functions Benefits of using functions Easier coding and debugging Better modularity helps reusability Better readability C standard mathematical functions and Arduino Trigonometric C functions in the Arduino core Some prerequisites Trigonometry functions Exponential functions and some others Approaching calculation optimization The power of the bit shift operation What are bit operations? Binary numeral system AND, OR, XOR, and NOT operators Bit shift operations It is all about performance The switch case labels optimization techniques Optimizing the range of cases Optimizing cases according to their frequency The smaller the scope, the better the board The Tao of returns The direct returns concept Use void if you don't need return Secrets of lookup tables Table initialization Replacing pure calculation with array index operations The Taylor series expansion trick The Arduino core even provides pointers Time measure Does the Arduino board own a watch? The millis() function The micros() function Delay concept and the program flow What does the program do during the delay? The polling concept – a special interrupt case The interrupt handler concept What is a thread? A real-life polling library example Summary Up Chapter 5: Sensing with Digital Inputs Sensing the world Sensors provide new capacities Some types of sensors Quantity is converted to data Data has to be perceived What does digital mean? Digital and analog concepts Inputs and outputs of Arduino Introducing a new friend – Processing Is Processing a language? Let's install and launch it A very familiar IDE Alternative IDEs and versioning Checking an example Processing and Arduino Pushing the button What is a button, a switch? Different types of switches A basic circuit Wires The circuit in the real world The pull-up and pull-down concept The pseudocode The code Making Arduino and Processing talk The communication protocol The Processing code The new Arduino firmware talk-ready Playing with multiple buttons The circuit The Arduino code The Processing code Understanding the debounce concept What? Who is bouncing? How to debounce Summary Chapter 6: Sensing the World – Feeling with Analog Inputs Sensing analog inputs and continuous values How many values can we distinguish? Reading analog inputs The real purpose of the potentiometer Changing the blinking delay of an LED with a potentiometer How to turn the Arduino into a low voltage voltmeter? Introducing Max 6, the graphical programming framework A brief history of Max/MSP Global concepts What is a graphical programming framework? Max, for the playground MSP, for sound Jitter, for visuals Gen, for a new approach to code generation Summarizing everything in one table Installing Max 6 The very first patch Playing sounds with the patch Controlling software using hardware Improving the sequencer and connecting Arduino Let's connect Arduino to Max 6 The serial object in Max 6 Tracing and debugging easily in Max 6 Understanding Arduino messages in Max 6 What is really sent on the wire? Extracting only the payload? ASCII conversions and symbols Playing with sensors Measuring distances Reading a datasheet? Let's wire things Coding the firmware Reading the distance in Max 6 Measuring flexion Resistance calculations Sensing almost everything Multiplexing with a CD4051 multiplexer/demultiplexer Multiplexing concepts Multiple multiplexing/demultiplexing techniques Space-division multiplexing Frequency-division multiplexing Time-division multiplexing The CD4051B analog multiplexer What is an integrated circuit? Wiring the CD4051B IC? Supplying the IC Analog I/O series and the common O/I Selecting the digital pin Summary Chapter 7: Talking over Serial Serial communication Serial and parallel communication Types and characteristics of serial communications Synchronous or asynchronous Duplex mode Peering and bus Data encoding Multiple serial interfaces The powerful Morse code telegraphy ancestor The famous RS-232 The elegant I2C The synchronous SPI The omnipresent USB Summary Chapter 8: Designing Visual Output Feedback Using LEDs Different types of LEDs Monochromatic LEDS Polychromatic LEDs Remembering the Hello LED example Multiple monochromatic LEDs Two buttons and two LEDs Control and feedback coupling in interaction design The coupling firmware More LEDs? Multiplexing LEDs Connecting 75HC595 to Arduino and LEDs Firmware for shift register handling Global shift register programming pattern Playing with chance and random seeds Daisy chaining multiple 74HC595 shift registers Linking multiple shift registers Firmware handling two shift registers and 16 LEDs Current short considerations Using RGB LEDs Some control concepts Different types of RGB LEDs Lighting an RGB LED Red, Green, and Blue light components and colors Multiple imbricated for() loops Building LED arrays A new friend named transistor The Darlington transistors array, ULN2003 The LED matrix Cycling and POV The circuit The 3 x 3 LED matrix code Simulating analog outputs with PWM The pulse-width modulation concept Dimming an LED A higher resolution PWM driver component Quick introduction to LCD HD44780-compatible LCD display circuit Displaying some random messages Summary Chapter 9: Making Things Move and Creating Sounds Making things vibrate The piezoelectric sensor Wiring a vibration motor Firmware generating vibrations Higher current driving and transistors Controlling a servo When do we need servos? How to control servos with Arduino Wiring one servo Firmware controlling one servo using the Servo library Multiple servos with an external power supply Three servos and an external power supply Driving three servos with firmware Controlling stepper motors Wiring a unipolar stepper to Arduino Firmware controlling the stepper motor Air movement and sounds What actually is sound? How to describe sound Microphones and speakers Digital and analog domains How to digitalize sound How to play digital bits as sounds How Arduino helps produce sounds Playing basic sound bits Wiring the cheapest sound circuit Playing random tones Improving the sound engine with Mozzi Setting up a circuit and Mozzi library An example sine wave Oscillators Wavetables Frequency modulation of a sine wave Adding a pot Upgrading the firmware for input handling Controlling the sound using envelopes and MIDI An overview of MIDI MIDI and OSC libraries for Arduino Generating envelopes Implementing envelopes and MIDI Wiring a MIDI connector to Arduino Playing audio files with the PCM library The PCM library WAV2C – converting your own sample Wiring the circuit Other reader libraries Summary Chapter 10: Some Advanced Techniques Data storage with EEPROMs Three native pools of memory on the #Arduino boards Writing and reading with the EEPROM core library External EEPROM wiring Reading and writing to the EEPROM Using GPS modules Wiring the Parallax GPS receiver module Parsing GPS location data Arduino, battery, and autonomy Classic cases of USB power supplying Supplying external power Supplying with batteries Power adapter for Arduino supply How to calculate current consumption Drawing on gLCDs Wiring the device Demoing the library Some useful methods' families Global GLCD methods Drawing methods Text methods Using VGA with the Gameduino Shield Summary Chapter 11: Networking An overview of networks Overview of the OSI model Protocols and communications Data encapsulation and decapsulation The roles of each layer Physical layer Data link layer Network layer Transport layer Application/Host layers Some aspects of IP addresses and ports The IP address The subnet The communication port Wiring Arduino to wired Ethernet Making Processing and Arduino communicate over Ethernet Basic wiring Coding network connectivity implementation #in Arduino Coding a Processing Applet communicating #on Ethernet Some words about TCP Bluetooth communications Wiring the Bluetooth module Coding the firmware and the Processing applet Playing with Wi-Fi What is Wi-Fi? Infrastructure mode Ad hoc mode Other modes The Arduino Wi-Fi shield Basic Wi-Fi connection without encryption Arduino Wi-Fi connection using WEP or WPA2 Using WEP with the Wi-Fi library Using WPA2 with the Wi-Fi library Arduino has a (light) web server Tweeting by pushing a switch An overview of APIs Twitter's API Using the Twitter library with OAuth support Grabbing credentials from Twitter Coding a firmware connecting to Twitter Summary Chapter 12: Playing with the Max 6 Framework Communicating easily with Max 6 – the [serial] object The [serial] object Selecting the right serial port The polling system Parsing and selecting data coming #from Arduino The readAll firmware The ReadAll Max 6 patch Requesting data from Arduino Parsing the received data Distributing received data and other tricks Creating a sound-level meter with LEDs The circuit The Max 6 patch for calculating sound levels The firmware for reading bytes The pitch shift effect controlled by hand The circuit with the sensor and the firmware The patch for altering the sound and parsing Arduino messages Summary Chapter 13: Improving your C Programming and #Creating Libraries Programming libraries The header file The source file Creating your own LED-array library Wiring six LEDs to the board Creating some nice light patterns Designing a small LED-pattern library Writing the LEDpatterns.h header Writing the LEDpatterns.cpp source Writing the keyword.txt file Using the LEDpatterns library Memory management Mastering bit shifting Multiplying/dividing by multiples of 2 Packing multiple data items into bytes Turning on/off individual bits in a control and port register Reprogramming the Arduino board Summary Conclusion About Packt Publishing About Packt Open Source Writing for Packt Index

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What You Will Learn Use ARM’s uVision MDK to configure the microcontroller run time environment (RTE), create projects and compile download and run simple programs on an evaluation board. Use and extend device family packs to configure I/O peripherals. Develop multimedia applications using the touchscreen and audio codec beep generator. Configure the codec to stream digital audio and design digital filters to create amazing audio effects. Write multi-threaded programs using ARM’s real time operating system (RTOS). Write critical sections of code in assembly language and integrate these with functions written in C. Fix problems using ARM’s debugging tool to set breakpoints and examine variables. Port uVision projects to other open source development environments. Book Description Embedded microcontrollers are at the core of many everyday electronic devices. Electronic automotive systems rely on these devices for engine management, anti-lock brakes, in car entertainment, automatic transmission, active suspension, satellite navigation, etc. The so-called internet of things drives the market for such technology, so much so that embedded cores now represent 90% of all processor’s sold. The ARM Cortex-M4 is one of the most powerful microcontrollers on the market and includes a floating point unit (FPU) which enables it to address applications. The ARM Cortex-M4 Microcontroller Cookbook provides a practical introduction to programming an embedded microcontroller architecture. This book attempts to address this through a series of recipes that develop embedded applications targeting the ARM-Cortex M4 device family. The recipes in this book have all been tested using the Keil MCBSTM32F400 board. This board includes a small graphic LCD touchscreen (320x240 pixels) that can be used to create a variety of 2D gaming applications. These motivate a younger audience and are used throughout the book to illustrate particular hardware peripherals and software concepts. C language is used predominantly throughout but one chapter is devoted to recipes involving assembly language. Programs are mostly written using ARM’s free microcontroller development kit (MDK) but for those looking for open source development environments the book also shows how to configure the ARM-GNU toolchain. Some of the recipes described in the book are the basis for laboratories and assignments undertaken by undergraduates. Authors Dr. Mark Fisher Dr. Mark Fisher is a chartered engineer, MIET. He started his career as an electronics apprentice with the UK Ministry of Defence. This was before he studied Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Aston University, Birmingham. After his graduation, he joined Ferranti Computer Systems, Manchester. However, he returned to academia to study Microprocessor Engineering and Digital Electronics at Manchester University (UMIST), and he then remained as a research assistant within the Department of Computation to gain a PhD in Applied Machine Learning. Currently, he is a senior lecturer at the School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, and the course director of the Computer Systems Engineering Degree programme. Many of the recipes in this book were originally developed in the context of a taught module that Mark leads, which is popular among undergraduate and master's students in the school. Mark currently researches in the fields of medical imaging and computer vision, and he is a co-author of over a hundred journal and conference papers in this area. Table of Contents

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What You Will Learn Create a robot model with a seven-DOF robotic arm and a differential wheeled mobile robot Work with Gazebo and V-REP robotic simulator Implement autonomous navigation in differential drive robots using SLAM and AMCL packages Explore the ROS Pluginlib, ROS nodelets, and Gazebo plugins Interface I/O boards such as Arduino, robot sensors, and high-end actuators Simulate and motion plan an ABB and universal arm using ROS Industrial Explore the latest version of the ROS framework Work with the motion planning of a seven-DOF arm using MoveIt! Book Description In this day and age, robotics has been gaining a lot of traction in various industries where consistency and perfection matter. Automation is achieved via robotic applications and various platforms that support robotics. The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a modular software platform to develop generic robotic applications. This book focuses on the most stable release of ROS (Kinetic Kame), discusses advanced concepts, and effectively teaches you programming using ROS. We begin with aninformative overview of the ROS framework, which will give you a clear idea of how ROS works. During the course of this book, you’ll learn to build models of complex robots, and simulate and interface the robot using the ROS MoveIt! motion planning library and ROS navigation stacks. Learn to leverage several ROS packages to embrace your robot models. After covering robot manipulation and navigation, you’ll get to grips with the interfacing I/O boards, sensors, and actuators of ROS. Vision sensors are a key component of robots, and an entire chapter is dedicated to the vision sensor and image elaboration, its interface in ROS and programming. You’ll also understand the hardware interface and simulation of complex robots to ROS and ROS Industrial. At the end of this book, you’ll discover the best practices to follow when programming using ROS. Authors Lentin Joseph Lentin Joseph is an author and robotics entrepreneur from India. He runs a robotics software company called Qbotics Labs in India. He has 7 years of experience in the robotics domain especially in Robot Operating System, Open-CV, and PCL. He has authored three books in ROS, namely, Learning Robotics using Python, Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming, and ROS Robotics Projects. He is currently pursuing his masters in Robotics from India and is also doing research in Robotics Institute, CMU, USA. Jonathan Cacace Jonathan Cacace was born in Naples, Italy, on December 13, 1987. He received his Master’s degree in computer science, and a Ph.D. degree in Information and Automation Engineering, from the University of Naples Federico II. Currently, he is a postdoc at the PRISMA Lab of the University of Naples Federico II. He is involved in different research projects focused on industrial and service robotics in which he has developed several ROS-based applications integrating robot perception and control Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to ROS Chapter 2: Getting Started with ROS Programming Chapter 3: Working with 3D Robot Modeling in ROS Chapter 4: Simulating Robots Using ROS and Gazebo Chapter 5: Simulating Robots Using ROS and V-REP Chapter 6: Using the ROS MoveIt! and Navigation Stack Chapter 7: Working with pluginlib, Nodelets, and Gazebo Plugins Chapter 8: Writing ROS Controllers and Visualization Plugins Chapter 9: Interfacing I/O Boards, Sensors, and Actuators to ROS Chapter 10: Programming Vision Sensors Using ROS, Open CV, and PCL Chapter 11: Building and Interfacing Differential Drive Mobile Robot Hardware in ROS Chapter 12: Exploring the Advanced Capabilities of ROS-MoveIt! Chapter 13: Using ROS in MATLAB and Simulink Chapter 14: ROS for Industrial Robots Chapter 15: Troubleshooting and Best Practices in ROS

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What You Will Learn Write simple programs using variables, functions, loops, arrays, and libraries Set up the Arduino and understand its internal functioning Get to grips with connections in electronics and arrive at ways to connect various components yourself Delve into various sensors and their selection and build your own sensor Unravel the concept of resistors and capacitors along with understanding the physics of electronics Become an inventor through interactive exercises (such as making a friend happy with a proximity sensor, and giving "life" to a plant) Book Description The mission of this book is to integrate technology with the tools that children already use for crafts so that they feel that the technology is an extension of their playtime. We use coding, sensors, and micro-controllers integrated with art and craft supplies, origami, and Playdough. There are 10 fun-filled chapters that talk to children directly, and give clear instructions for non-technical parents too. We use Arduino as the controller of choice due to its easy availability and large community. By the end of the book, children will comfortably be able to set up their Arduino, read and understand code, manipulate code, and ultimately write their own code for projects. They will also be able to use basic sensors and know how components connect to each other. All the learning takes place with lots of colorful pictures and the circuits are neatly presented using wiring. Authors Priya Kuber Priya Kuber, is the first Indian woman to set up an open hardware company in India. At the age of 24, she was the founding CEO of Arduino India with a mission to empower students with the knowledge and tools to bring their creative ideas to life. She discovered Arduino in the year 2009 and has since contributed at several levels, including documentation, maintaining their official, blog and teaching workshops in rapid prototyping using Arduino, all across India. She has also won several hackathons and has mentored several winning teams. She now lives in San Francisco and works full-time on creating secure and impactful wearable technology. She is also the recipient of Silicon Valley’s prestigious Rajeev Circle Fellowship and has given talks all around the world including at TEDx. Rishi Gaurav Bhatnagar Rishi Gaurav Bhatnagar is a creative technologist who likes to work at the intersection of design and technology. He is an Intel software innovator, Arduino maker fellow, a volunteer at Random Hacks Of Kindness, also Campus Diaries 25 under 25- Science & Tech. When he is not tinkering with technology and storytelling, he spends time building new modules for students that help fuel their curiosity and build their innovation muscle. Continue reading Vijay Varada Vijay Varada is an artist, engineer, and entrepreneur whose motto is, create positive change in the world through art, design and technology for sustainable and exponential development and progress. He is the CEO, and cofounder of Fracktal Works, which is engaged with design and research in the field of additive manufacturing, rapid prototyping, and product design with its line of desktop and industrial 3D printers aimed at using the technology to empower the abilities of students, engineers, designers, and industries. Vijay actively contributes to open source hardware projects, particularly assistive technologies for the blind. Table of Contents

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With more than 60 practical and creative hacks, this book helps you turn Raspberry Pi into the centerpiece of some cool electronics projects. Want to create a controller for a camera or a robot? Set up Linux distributions for media centers or PBX phone systems? That’s just the beginning of what you’ll find inside Raspberry Pi Hacks. If you’re looking to build either a software or hardware project with more computing power than Arduino alone can provide, Raspberry Pi is just the ticket. And the hacks in this book will give you lots of great ideas. Use configuration hacks to get more out of your Pi Build your own web server or remote print server Take the Pi outdoors to monitor your garden or control holiday lights Connect with SETI or construct an awesome Halloween costume Hack the Pi’s Linux OS to support more complex projects Decode audio/video formats or make your own music player Achieve a low-weight payload for aerial photography Build a Pi computer cluster or a solar-powered lab

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The essential guide to getting started with the Raspberry Pi The Raspberry Pi has been a success beyond the dream of its creators. Their goal, to encourage a new generation of computer programmers who understand how computers work, is well under way. Raspberry Pi User Guide 2e is the newest edition of the runaway bestseller written by the Pi’s co-creator, Eben Upton, and tech writer Gareth Halfacree. It contains everything you need to know to get the Pi up and running, including how to: Connect a keyboard, mouse, monitor and other peripherals Install software and configure your Raspberry Pi Master basic Linux system administration Set up your Raspberry Pi as a productivity machine, multimedia centre, or web server Write programmes in Scratch and Python Use the GPIO port and add-on boards to connect your Raspberry Pi for use in electronics projects Updated to cover the release of the Camera Board, the introduction of the Pi Store, NOOBS and much more, Raspberry Pi User Guide 2nd edition is the perfect companion for getting the most out of the computing phenomenon, the Raspberry Pi. Eben Upton is the co-creator of the Raspberry Pi board and the founder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Gareth Halfacree is a freelance technology journalist, open source advocate and erstwhile sysadmin. Table of Contents Introduction 1 Programming Is Fun! 1 A Bit of History 3 So What Can You Do with the Raspberry Pi? 8 Part I: Connecting the Board CHAPTER 1 Meet the Raspberry Pi 13 A Trip Around the Board 14 Model A 16 Model B 17 A History of Model B PCB Revisions 18 Revision 1 18 Revision 2 18 A Bit of Background 18 ARM versus x86 19 Windows versus Linux 20 CHAPTER 2 Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi 21 Connecting a Display 22 Composite Video 22 HDMI Video 23 DSI Video 24 Connecting Audio 24 Connecting a Keyboard and Mouse 25 Installing NOOBS on an SD Card 27 Connecting External Storage 28 Connecting the Network 29 Wired Networking 30 Wireless Networking 31 Connecting Power 32 Installing the Operating System 33 Installing Using NOOBS 33 Installing Manually 35 CHAPTER 3 Linux System Administration 41 Linux: An Overview 42 Linux Basics 44 Introducing Raspbian 45 About Raspbian’s Parent, Debian 49 Alternatives to Raspbian 49 Using External Storage Devices 50 Creating a New User Account 51 File System Layout 52 Logical Layout 53 Physical Layout 54 Installing and Uninstalling Software 55 Obtaining Software from the Pi Store 55 Obtaining Software from Elsewhere 57 Finding the Software You Want 58 Installing Software 59 Uninstalling Software 61 Upgrading Software 61 Shutting the Pi Down Safely 62 CHAPTER 4 Troubleshooting 63 Keyboard and Mouse Diagnostics 64 Power Diagnostics 65 Display Diagnostics 67 Boot Diagnostics 68 Network Diagnostics 68 The Emergency Kernel 71 CHAPTER 5 Network Configuration 73 Wired Networking 74 Wireless Networking 77 Installing Firmware 78 Connecting to a Wireless Network via wpa_gui 82 Connecting to a Wireless Network via the Terminal 85 CHAPTER 6 The Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool 93 Running the Tool 94 The Setup Options Screen 95 1 Expand Filesystem 95 2 Change User Password 96 3 Enable Boot to Desktop 96 4 Internationalisation Options 97 5 Enable Camera 99 6 Add to Rastrack 99 7 Overclock 100 8 Advanced Options 101 9 About raspi-config 105 CHAPTER 7 Advanced Raspberry Pi Configuration 107 Editing Configuration Files via NOOBS 108 Hardware Settings—configtxt 110 Modifying the Display 111 Boot Options 114 Overclocking the Raspberry Pi 114 Disabling L2 Cache 118 Enabling Test Mode 119 Memory Partitioning 119 Software Settings—cmdlinetxt 120 Part II: Building a Media Centre, Productivity Machine or Web Server CHAPTER 8 The Pi as a Home Theatre PC 125 Playing Music at the Console 126 Dedicated HTPC with Raspbmc 128 Streaming Internet Media 129 Streaming Local Network Media 131 Configuring Raspbmc 133 CHAPTER 9 The Pi as a Productivity Machine 135 Using Cloud-Based Apps 136 Using LibreOffice 139 Image Editing with The Gimp 141 CHAPTER 10 The Pi as a Web Server 145 Installing a LAMP Stack 146 Installing WordPress 150 Part III: Programming with the Raspberry Pi CHAPTER 11 An Introduction to Scratch 157 Introducing Scratch 158 Example 1: Hello World 159 Example 2: Animation and Sound 162 Example 3: A Simple Game 165 Robotics and Sensors 171 Sensing with the PicoBoard 171 Robotics with LEGO 171 Further Reading 172 CHAPTER 12 An Introduction to Python 173 Introducing Python 174 Example 1: Hello World 174 Example 2: Comments, Inputs, Variables and Loops 180 Example 3: Gaming with pygame 184 Example 4: Python and Networking 193 Further Reading 199 Part IV: Hardware Hacking CHAPTER 13 Learning to Hack Hardware 203 Electronic Equipment 204 Reading Resistor Colour Codes 206 Sourcing Components 208 Online Sources 208 Offline Sources 209 Hobby Specialists 209 Moving Up From the Breadboard 210 A Brief Guide to Soldering 213 CHAPTER 14 The GPIO Port 219 Identifying Your Board Revision 220 GPIO Pinout Diagrams 220 GPIO Features 222 UART Serial Bus 222 I2C Bus 223 SPI Bus 223 Using the GPIO Port in Python 223 GPIO Output: Flashing an LED 224 GPIO Input: Reading a Button 228 CHAPTER 15 The Raspberry Pi Camera Module 233 Why Use the Camera Module? 234 Installing the Camera Module 235 Enabling Camera Mode 238 Capturing Stills 239 Recording Video 242 Command-Line Time-Lapse Photography 243 CHAPTER 16 Add-on Boards 249 Ciseco Slice of Pi 250 Adafruit Prototyping Pi Plate 254 Fen Logic Gertboard 257 Part V: Appendixes APPENDIX A Python Recipes 265 Raspberry Snake (Chapter 12, Example 3) 266 IRC User List (Chapter 12, Example 4) 268 GPIO Input and Output (Chapter 14)270 APPENDIX B Camera Module Quick Reference 271 Shared Options 272 Raspistill Options 275 Raspivid Options 276 Raspiyuv Options 276 APPENDIX C HDMI Display Modes 277 Index 283

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Make your projects talk and understand speech with Raspberry Pi Use standard webcam to make your projects see and enhance vision capabilities Full of simple, easy-to-understand instructions to bring your Raspberry Pi online for developing robotics projects Table of Contents Preface Chapter 1: Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Chapter 2: Programming Raspberry Pi Chapter 3: Providing Speech Input and Output Chapter 4: Adding Vision to Raspberry Pi Chapter 5: Creating Mobile Robots on Wheels Chapter 6: Making the Unit Very Mobile – Controlling the Movement of a Robot with Legs Chapter 7: Avoiding Obstacles Using Sensors Chapter 8: Going Truly Mobile – The Remote Control of Your Robot Chapter 9: Using a GPS Receiver to Locate Your Robot Chapter 10: System Dynamics Chapter 11: By Land, Sea, and Air Index Preface Up Chapter 1: Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Getting started The unveiling Hooking up a keyboard, mouse, and display Installing the operating system Accessing the board remotely Summary Chapter 2: Programming Raspberry Pi Basic Linux commands on Raspberry Pi Creating, editing, and saving files on Raspberry Pi Creating and running Python programs on Raspberry Pi Basic programming constructs on Raspberry Pi The if statement The while statement Working with functions Libraries/modules in Python The object-oriented code Introduction to the C/C++ programming language Summary Chapter 3: Providing Speech Input and Output Hooking up the hardware to make and input sound Using Espeak to allow our projects to respond in a robot voice Using PocketSphinx to accept your voice commands Interpreting commands and initiating actions Summary Chapter 4: Adding Vision to Raspberry Pi Connecting the USB camera to Raspberry Pi and viewing the images Downloading and installing OpenCV – a fully featured vision library Using the vision library to detect colored objects Summary Chapter 5: Creating Mobile Robots on Wheels Gathering the required hardware Using a motor controller to control the speed of your platform Controlling your mobile platform programmatically using #Raspberry Pi Making your mobile platform truly mobile by issuing voice #commands Summary Chapter 6: Making the Unit Very Mobile – Controlling the #Movement of a Robot with Legs Gathering the hardware Connecting Raspberry Pi to the mobile platform using a #servo controller Connecting the hardware Configuring the software Creating a program in Linux to control the mobile platform Making your mobile platform truly mobile by issuing voice #commands Summary Chapter 7: Avoiding Obstacles Using Sensors Gathering the hardware Connecting Raspberry Pi to an infrared sensor Connecting Raspberry Pi to a USB sonar sensor Connecting the hardware Using a servo to move a single sensor Summary Chapter 8: Going Truly Mobile – The Remote Control of #Your Robot Gathering the hardware Connecting Raspberry Pi to a wireless USB keyboard Using the keyboard to control your project Working remotely with your Raspberry Pi through a wireless LAN Working remotely with your Raspberry Pi through ZigBee Summary Chapter 9: Using a GPS Receiver to Locate Your Robot Connecting Raspberry Pi to a GPS device Accessing the GPS programmatically Summary Chapter 10: System Dynamics Getting started Creating a general control structure Using the structure of the Robot Operating System to enable #complex functionalities Summary Chapter 11: By Land, Sea, and Air Using Raspberry Pi to sail Getting started Using Raspberry Pi to fly robots Using Raspberry Pi to make the robot swim underwater Summary Index Richard Grimmett Richard Grimmett has been fascinated by computers and electronics from his very first programming project, which used Fortran on punch cards. He has a bachelor's and master's degree in electrical engineering and a PhD in leadership studies. He also has 26 years of experience in the radar and telecommunications industries (he even has one of the original brick phones). He now teaches computer science and electrical engineering at Brigham Young University - Idaho, where his office is filled with his many robotic projects. He recently completed a book on using BeagleBone Black for robotic projects, and is now excited to release this title for those who prefer Raspberry Pi.

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About This Book Design and implement state-of-the-art solutions for Internet of Things using different communication protocols, patterns, C# and Raspberry Pi Learn the capabilities and differences between popular protocols and communication patterns and how they can be used, and should not be used, to create secure and interoperable services and things A step-by-step hands-on tutorial with complete source code, that provides interoperable solutions for sensors, actuators, controllers, cameras, and protocol brides Who This Book Is For If you're a developer or electronics engineer who is curious about Internet of Things, then this is the book for you. With only a rudimentary understanding of electronics, Raspberry Pi, or similar credit-card sized computers, and some programming experience using managed code such as C# or Java, you will be taught to develop state-of-the-art solutions for Internet of Things in an instant. What You Will Learn Know the capabilities and limitations of the HTTP, UPnP, CoAP, MQTT, and XMPP protocols Use important communication patterns, such as the request/respond, publish/subscribe, event subscription, asynchronous messaging, and multicasting patterns Secure the life cycle of Things on the Internet by using Thing registries and delegation of trust Decrease complexity and development time by using Internet of Things service platforms Understand basic threats on the Internet and implement effective counter measures Combine interoperability and security to create open yet secure solutions Implement secure, scalable, decentralized, and interoperable architectures and solutions for Internet of Things In Detail This book starts by exploring the popular HTTP, UPnP, CoAP, MQTT, and XMPP protocols. You will learn how protocols and patterns can put limitations on network topology and how they affect the direction of communication and the use of firewalls. Thing registries and delegation of trust are introduced as important tools to secure the life cycle of Things on the Internet. Once the fundamentals have been mastered, your focus will move to the Internet of Things architecture. A secure architecture is proposed that will take full advantage of the power of Internet of Things and at the same time protect end user integrity and private personal data without losing flexibility and interoperability. This book provides you with a practical overview of the existing protocols, communication patterns, architectures, and security issues important to Internet of Things. Authors Peter Waher Peter Waher is the cofounder of Clayster, a company with its origin in Scandinavia but now operates in four continents. Clayster is dedicated to the development of Internet of Things applications and provides an IoT platform for rapid application development. Currently, Peter lives and works in Chile where he is the CEO of Clayster Laboratorios Chile S.A., a subsidiary of Clayster that provides development expertise to partner companies and promotes the Internet of Things technology to research institutions. Originally a mathematician, commercial pilot, and computer games developer, he has worked for 20 years with computers and device communication, including low-level development in assembler for resource-constrained devices to high-level system design and architecture. He's currently participating in various standardization efforts within IEEE, UPnP, and XSF, working on designing standards for Internet of Things. His work on smart applications for Internet of Things and the development of the IP-TV application "Energy Saving through Smart Applications" won the Urban Living Labs global showcase award in the Cultural and Societal Participation and Collaboration Tools category. Peter Waher can be found on LinkedIn at Table of Contents Chapter 1: Preparing our IoT Projects Chapter 2: The HTTP Protocol Chapter 3: The UPnP Protocol Chapter 4: The CoAP Protocol Chapter 5: The MQTT Protocol Chapter 6: The XMPP Protocol Chapter 7: Using an IoT Service Platform Chapter 8: Creating Protocol Gateways Chapter 9: Security and Interoperability

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Attacks targeting our online spaces will put our physical security at risk. Traditionally, the attack vectors to our fundamental luxuries have required physical tampering, mostly because access to the infrastructure has been limited from the Internet. This is about to change with the upcoming disruption caused by a future with billions of "things" connected to the Internet. This book takes a fascinating look into abusing the most popular IoT-based devices already available in the market. You'll learn how a simple attack can cause a perpetual blackout targeting LED lightbulbs, how bad security decisions have grossly violated the physical safety and privacy of families, and how the insecurity of powerful electric vehicles can put your life at risk. The goal of this book is to demonstrate tangible risk in IoT devices that we're going to depend on more and more as time progresses. Once we begin to understand the cause of actual security vulnerabilities in devices today, we will begin to set the path for a future that will help us enable these devices to securely enhance and augment our lives. The stakes are high. Malicious attackers are already hard at work uncovering and exploiting these security defects and they will continue to find crafty avenues to abuse their knowledge every way they can. These attackers span the spectrum of curious college students to sophisticated private and state sponsored criminal gangs that are interested in terrorizing individuals and populations. The impact of security vulnerabilities in IoT devices can lead to mass compromise of privacy and cause physical harm.

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Get Tech-Savvy by Learning About Your Computer, Smartphone, Internet, and Social Media Applications (English Edition) TAGLINE Your All-in-One Guide to the Digital World KEY FEATURES Includes basic concepts about computer hardware and software, device connections, and the Internet. Solutions on how to get the most out of emails, office suites, photos, videos, and maps. Insights on social media, e-commerce, digital payments, and online booking. DESCRIPTION Technology touches our lives in many different ways. In this book, we will explore the common uses of technology in the world around you, demystify the concepts, and explain its usage. The book begins by making you comfortable with your Windows PC and Android Smartphone/Tablet. It discusses the Internet and common device connections. It also delves into popular productivity applications like emails, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, maps, photos, music, and videos. Usage of free apps from Google is demonstrated. The book also talks about social media and online tools which allow you to connect and communicate with people on the Internet, with examples from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp. The different facets of e-commerce are discussed as well, namely, payments, online shopping, tracking, reviews, and online travel booking, along with examples from popular shopping and travel websites. It explores newer trends like cloud computing, media players, and voice assistants. Security and privacy best practices are also covered for each topic. This book is an attempt to break down the barriers that stand between you and the digital world and enable you to embrace technology. By the end of this book, you’ll find yourself more tech-savvy than you were when you started. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN Day-to-day tasks on your Windows PC, Android Smartphone, and the Internet. Usage of popular Google services, including Gmail, docs suite, and YouTube. Usage of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Hangouts, and WhatsApp. Learn how to shop, pay and book flights, hotels, buses, and trains online. Learn about Media Players and usage of Google Assistant. Stay secure with best practices for your devices and the internet. WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR This book is for students, parents, kids, senior citizens, housewives, and any person who wants to get acquainted with the essential skills for the digital era and wants to become comfortable with technology, smart devices, and internet applications. To get the best out of this book, you must have either a Windows 10 PC or an Android Smartphone/Tablet, and stable Internet access. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Your Smartphone/Tablet Your Computer/Laptop The Internet Connections E-mail Photos Music and Videos Productivity Apps Maps Social Media Online Communication WhatsApp Money and Payments Managing your Privacy Reviews E-commerce Booking Travel Online Beyond your PC and Smartphone Summing it up

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